US Patent Application 18448320. AUTOMATED DRINK MAKER simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Oleksiy P. Sergyeyenko of Baldwin MD (US)

Andrew Cross of Bel Air MD (US)

Thomas Landis of Baltimore MD (US)

Randy L. Rhoades of Seward PA (US)

Graham Bone of Durham (GB)

Daniel Langford of Baltimore MD (US)

Mark Thomas Davies of Newcastle (GB)

Michael C. Doyle of Baldwin MD (US)

Aldon O. Blackwood of Baltimore MD (US)

Tylan A. Tschopp of Baltimore MD (US)

AUTOMATED DRINK MAKER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18448320 titled 'AUTOMATED DRINK MAKER

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a device for making drinks that includes a hood, a base, a tower, and a dispenser.

  • The device has a hood that has at least four attachment connectors.
  • The base is designed to support at least four bottles.
  • The tower connects the base and the hood.
  • The dispenser is used to dispense a beverage.
  • The device selectively pumps liquid from the bottles through the connectors and the dispenser to dispense a beverage.

Original Abstract Submitted

A drink making device including a hood, a base configured to support at least four bottles, a tower connecting the base and the hood; and a dispenser for dispensing a beverage. The hood includes at least four attachment connectors. Liquid from the bottles is selectively pumped through the connectors through the dispenser to dispense a beverage.