US Patent Application 18446876. DATA CENTER NETWORK WITH PACKET SPRAYING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC==Inventor(s)==

[[Category:Pradeep Sindhu of Los Altos Hills CA (US)]]

[[Category:Deepak Goel of San Jose CA (US)]]

[[Category:Jean-Marc Frailong of Rancho Mirage CA (US)]]

[[Category:Srihari Raju Vegesna of San Jose CA (US)]]

[[Category:Wael Noureddine of Santa Clara CA (US)]]

[[Category:Philip A. Thomas of San Jose CA (US)]]

[[Category:Satish Deo of Cupertino CA (US)]]

[[Category:Sunil Mekad of Bangalore (IN)]]

[[Category:Ayaskant Pani of Fremont CA (US)]]

DATA CENTER NETWORK WITH PACKET SPRAYING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18446876 titled 'DATA CENTER NETWORK WITH PACKET SPRAYING

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a network system for a data center that involves spraying a data flow of packets over a logical tunnel between access nodes.

  • Access nodes establish a logical tunnel over multiple data paths across a switch fabric.
  • The logical tunnel connects a source access node to a destination access node, both of which are part of a group of access nodes.
  • The source access node is connected to a source network device.
  • The source access node sprays a data flow of packets over the logical tunnel to the destination access node.
  • The source access node receives the data flow of packets from the source network device.
  • Spraying the data flow of packets involves directing each packet within the data flow to the least loaded data path.

Original Abstract Submitted

A network system for a data center is described in which an access node sprays a data flow of packets over a logical tunnel to another access node. In one example, a method comprises establishing, by a plurality of access nodes, a logical tunnel over a plurality of data paths across a switch fabric between a source access node and a destination access node included within the plurality of access nodes, wherein the source access node is coupled to a source network device; and spraying, by the source access node, a data flow of packets over the logical tunnel to the destination access node, wherein the source access node receives the data flow of packets from the source network device, and wherein spraying the data flow of packets includes directing each of the packets within the data flow to a least loaded data path.