US Patent Application 18343120. SAMPLING ASSEMBLY AND SAMPLING METHOD simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Haifei Wang of Chengdu (CN)

Yan Zhuang of Nanjing (CN)

Wan Zhou of Chengdu (CN)

SAMPLING ASSEMBLY AND SAMPLING METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18343120 Titled 'SAMPLING ASSEMBLY AND SAMPLING METHOD'

Simplified Explanation

This abstract describes a sampling assembly and method that includes a self-calibration unit. The self-calibration unit controls switches to enable input and output of sampling signals. It also generates calibration signals and determines an error signal based on these signals. The self-calibration unit then uses the error signal to obtain a calibrated sampling signal.

Original Abstract Submitted

A sampling assembly and a sampling method are provided. A self-calibration unit controls a first switch to be turned on, to enable a first sampling signal to be input to a sampling unit. The sampling unit processes the first sampling signal to obtain a second sampling signal, and outputs the second sampling signal to the self-calibration unit. The self-calibration unit controls the first switch to be turned off, controls a second switch to be turned on, and outputs a first calibration signal to the sampling unit. The sampling unit processes the first calibration signal to obtain a second calibration signal, and outputs the second calibration signal to the self-calibration unit. The self-calibration unit determines an error signal based on the first calibration signal and the second calibration signal. The self-calibration unit obtains a calibrated third sampling signal based on the second sampling signal and the error signal.