US Patent Application 18320662. COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Junya Yamada of Kanagawa (JP)

Toshihisa Hyakudai of San Diego CA (US)

Satoshi Ota of Kanagawa (JP)

COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18320662 titled 'COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation

The patent application proposes a method to reduce the memory capacity required for storing address information in an I2C communication instrument, along with reducing the number of encoders and decoders involved.

  • The innovation aims to simplify the memory requirements and reduce the complexity of I2C communication instruments.
  • It addresses the need to optimize the storage of address information, which is crucial for efficient communication.
  • The proposed method aims to reduce the number of encoders and decoders involved in the communication process.
  • By reducing the memory capacity and the number of components, the innovation can potentially lead to cost savings in manufacturing I2C communication instruments.
  • The patent application focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of I2C communication instruments without compromising their functionality.

Original Abstract Submitted

The memory capacity for storing address information etc. of an I2C communication instrument, as well as the number of encoders and decoders can be reduced.