US Patent Application 18222198. REFRIGERATOR AND METHOD FOR OPENING A REFRIGERATOR DOOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Minsub Kim of Seoul (KR)

Hongsik Kwon of Seoul (KR)

Dongjeong Kim of Seoul (KR)

Jungjae Lee of Seoul (KR)

Jaehoon Shin of Seoul (KR)

REFRIGERATOR AND METHOD FOR OPENING A REFRIGERATOR DOOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18222198 titled 'REFRIGERATOR AND METHOD FOR OPENING A REFRIGERATOR DOOR

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a refrigerator and control method that allows the door to be opened without using hands when the user is holding objects in both hands.

  • The invention enables the automatic opening of a refrigerator door using a body part other than hands.
  • This feature is particularly useful when the user's hands are occupied with objects, making it difficult to open the door manually.
  • The control method allows the user to open the refrigerator door effortlessly by using a designated body part, such as a foot or elbow.
  • The innovation aims to enhance convenience and ease of use for individuals who may have their hands full while needing to access the refrigerator.
  • The automatic opening mechanism can be activated through sensors or other means of detecting the user's body movement.
  • The patent application provides a solution to the common problem of struggling to open a refrigerator door when both hands are occupied.

Original Abstract Submitted

Provided is a refrigerator and control method for refrigerator and method for opening a refrigerator door. While a user is holding an object in both hands, a door may be automatically and additionally opened using another part of a body other than hands.