US Patent Application 18175962. FLEXIBLE DISPLAY PANEL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Gae Hwang Lee of Suwon-si (KR)

Youngjun Yun of Suwon-si (KR)

Hyun Bum Kang of Suwon-si (KR)

Jong Won Chung of Suwon-si (KR)

FLEXIBLE DISPLAY PANEL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18175962 Titled 'FLEXIBLE DISPLAY PANEL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE'

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a flexible display panel and an electronic device that uses this panel. The panel can be folded, bent, or rolled along at least one axis. It consists of a substrate with both stretchable and non-stretchable regions, as well as multiple pixel circuits and unit elements arranged on the substrate. Each pixel circuit contains several thin film transistors, including a first one located on the stretchable region of the substrate. The channel length direction of this first transistor is parallel to the flexible direction of the display panel.

Original Abstract Submitted

Provided are a flexible display panel and an electronic device including the same, in the flexible display panel that is foldable, bendable, or rollable along at least one axis extending in a first direction, the flexible display panel including a substrate including a stretchable region and a non-stretchable region, a plurality of pixel circuits repeatedly arranged on the substrate, and a unit element array including unit elements repeatedly arranged on the substrate and electrically connected to each of the pixel circuits, wherein each of the pixel circuits includes a plurality of thin film transistors, the plurality of thin film transistors include a first thin film transistor on the stretchable region of the substrate, and a channel length direction of the first thin film transistor is substantially parallel to the first direction flexible display panel.