US Patent Application 17824806. CROSS-POINT ARRAY REFRESH SCHEME simplified abstract

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Organization Name

SanDisk Technologies LLC


Michael Nicolas Albert Tran of San Jose CA (US)

Michael K. Grobis of Campbell CA (US)

Ward Parkinson of Boise ID (US)

Nathan Franklin of Belmont CA (US)

CROSS-POINT ARRAY REFRESH SCHEME - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17824806 titled 'CROSS-POINT ARRAY REFRESH SCHEME

Simplified Explanation

- This patent application describes technology for refreshing threshold switching selectors in programmable resistance memory cells in cross-point memory arrays. - The Vt (threshold voltage) of the threshold switching selector can change over time, which can affect the performance of the memory system. - The memory system uses a selector refresh operation to reset the Vt of the threshold switching selectors and a separate data refresh operation to refresh data in the memory elements. - The data refresh operation can also refresh the selector, but the selector refresh operation is faster. - The selector refresh operation consumes less power and current compared to the data refresh operation. - As a result, the selector refresh operation can be performed more frequently than the data refresh operation.

Original Abstract Submitted

Technology is disclosed herein for refreshing threshold switching selectors in programmable resistance memory cells in cross-point memory arrays. The Vt of the threshold switching selector may drift over time. The memory system resets the Vt of the threshold switching selectors with a selector refresh operation and uses a separate data refresh operation to refresh data in programmable resistance memory elements. The data refresh operation itself may also refresh the selector. However, the threshold switching selector refresh operation is faster than the data refresh operation. Moreover, the selector refresh operation consumes much less power and/or current then the data refresh operation. The selector refresh operation may thus be performed at a higher rate than the data refresh operation.