Mary Lou Jepsen

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Mary Lou Jepsen: Innovator in Brain-Computer Interfaces and Display Technologies

Mary Lou Jepsen is a globally recognized engineer and entrepreneur known for her groundbreaking work in brain-computer interfaces and advanced display technologies. Throughout her career, she has consistently pushed the boundaries of technology, leading to numerous inventions and a legacy marked by innovation.

Early Life and Education

Mary Lou Jepsen was born in the United States and displayed a penchant for science and technology from a young age. She went on to attend Brown University, where she earned a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and studio art. Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of her interests, Jepsen later pursued a Master's in Holography from the MIT Media Lab, where she would later return as a professor and researcher.

Career and Seminal Inventions

Over the years, Jepsen has worn many hats, from inventor to entrepreneur, and her work has spanned both academia and industry.

Display Technologies

Jepsen's early career saw her heavily involved in display technologies. She made a significant impact in the field of holography and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) design. One of her notable roles was as the CTO of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) program, where she designed a low-cost laptop with a unique sunlight-readable display. This invention was particularly valuable for children in developing nations, where consistent access to electricity can be a challenge.

Although the specifics of all her patents in display technology are numerous, a notable patent is:

Dual-mode liquid crystal display
Patent number
US7,394,119 B2

Brain-Computer Interfaces

In more recent years, Jepsen shifted her focus to the intersection of technology and neuroscience. She founded Openwater, a startup working on developing non-invasive brain imaging technology. The objective is to enable high-resolution imaging of the brain using infrared light, which could revolutionize brain-computer interfaces, diagnostics, and therapy.

Some key patents in this space include:

System and method for optically based brain imaging and therapy
Patent number
[Specific patent number not available as of last update]

University Collaborations

Jepsen's association with universities has been a significant part of her career. Besides her tenure at MIT Media Lab, she has collaborated with numerous academic institutions over the years. These collaborations often revolve around advanced research in display technologies, holography, and more recently, brain-computer interfaces.

While at the MIT Media Lab, Jepsen engaged in various pioneering research projects, collaborating with students and fellow faculty members to push the boundaries of what was achievable in her chosen fields.

Legacy and Impact

Mary Lou Jepsen's legacy in the world of technology is marked by her relentless pursuit of innovation. Her inventions, particularly in display technology, have not only advanced the field but have also made technology more accessible to underserved populations.

Moreover, her ongoing work in brain-computer interfaces has the potential to usher in a new era of understanding and interfacing with the human brain. As she continues to break barriers, her influence is sure to resonate for generations to come.

See Also


  1. "US Patent for Dual-mode liquid crystal display Patent (Patent # 7,394,119)."
  2. "Mary Lou Jepsen: Pursuing the Unseen in Technology." Technology Review. [1]
  3. "Innovating at the Nexus of Brain and Computer." Openwater. [2]