An inventor, in the context of a patent application, is an individual who has contributed to the conception of at least one claim in the patent. This person must have played a significant role in the development of the inventive concept covered by the patent claims. To be listed as an inventor on a patent application, the individual must have made a creative contribution to the invention's innovative aspects, rather than merely executing or following instructions. Their inventive input must be substantial enough to influence the patentable elements of the invention.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 71,980 total.
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Pages in category "Inventors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 325 total.
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- Aaron J. Maurer of Washington DC (US)
- Adam Liechty of San Francisco CA (US)
- Alan David Tepe of Fremont CA (US)
- Alan Paul Clarke of Long Beach CA (US)
- Aleksandar Plavsic of Brookfield WI (US)
- Aleksei Potov of San Jose CA (US)
- Alex Carpenter of Seabrook TX (US)
- Alex Xiao of Austin TX (US)
- Alexandre Matei of Canonsburg PA (US)
- Anand S. Konanur of San Jose CA (US)
- Andrej Karpathy of San Francisco CA (US)
- Andrew D. Baglino of San Francisco CA (US)
- Andrew Pires of San Francisco CA (US)
- Andrew R. Paley of Chicago IL (US)
- Andrew S. Morrison of Brooklyn NY (US)
- Andrey Falko of Oakland CA (US)
- Andy Timmons of Emeryville CA (US)
- Aneesh Kaliyanda of Fremont CA (US)
- Aneesh Kaliyanda of San Jose CA (US)
- Angela Kirchhof of Denver CO (US)
- Anting Shen of Berkeley CA (US)
- Anting Shen of Mountain View CA (US)
- Antonio Garrote of San Francisco CA (US)
- Arundhati Banerjee of Pittsburgh PA (US)
- Ashok ELLUSWAMY of Austin TX (US)
- Ashok Kumar Elluswamy of Sunnyvale CA (US)
- Austin Rothschild of Palo Alto CA (US)
- Avi Verma of Austin TX (US)
- Avinash Danda of San Jose CA (US)
- Aycan Erentok of Mountain View CA (US)
- Aydin Nabovati
- Benjamin Dellal of San Francisco CA (US)
- Benjamin Drasin of Portland OR (US)
- Benjamin Floering of San Jose CA (US)
- Benjamin James Lutterbach of Greensburg IN (US)
- Benjamin William Scholey Redman of Seattle WA (US)
- Bharath Marulasiddappa of San Francisco CA (US)
- Bhavananda Reddy NADIMPALLY of San Mateo CA (US)
- Bo Zong of Bellevue WA (US)
- Bradley Kenneth Michel of San Francisco CA (US)
- Brendan Kawar of San Jose CA (US)
- Brendan Robert Gimby of Park City UT (US)
- Brennan Boblett of San Francisco CA (US)
- Buster Benson of Berkeley CA (US)
- Byung Mo KIM
- Caiming Xiong of Menlo Park CA (US)
- Caiming Xiong of San Francisco CA (US)
- Carlos Santiago Yanzon
- Chan Ju KIM
- Charles Humble of Hoschton GA (US)
- Charlie M. Truong of Aurora IL (US)
- Cheolhwan YOON
- Chia-Chih Chen of Palo Alto CA (US)
- Christopher David BORAN of Burlington MA (US)
- Christopher Hsiong of San Jose CA (US)
- Christopher Payne of San Francisco CA (US)
- Christopher Sullivan of Wellesley MA (US)
- Christos Gougoussis of Fremont CA (US)
- Chu Hong HOI
- Chu Hong Hoi
- Chuxiong Wu of San Francisco CA (US)
- Colin Kenneth Campbell of San Francisco CA (US)
- Craig B. Carlson of Los Altos CA (US)
- Curt Raymond O'Donnell of Erie PA (US)
- Daeki Cho of Kirkland WA (US)
- Daniel F. Hanks of Palo Alto CA (US)
- Dante Lamastra of San Francisco CA (US)
- David Exe of Mountain View CA (US)
- David MOLINA of Martinez CA (US)
- Debjit Das Sarma of San Jose CA (US)
- Diego Alberto Silva Rodriguez of Cupertino CA (US)
- Ding Jin of Newark CA (US)
- Dino Sasaridis of Austin TX (US)
- Dino Sasaridis of San Francisco CA (US)
- Diogenes Brito of Brooklyn NY (US)
- Edward Hugh Robert Alley of Mountain View CA (US)
- Edward MENGEL of San Francisco CA (US)
- Ehsan RISMANIYAZDI of San Jose CA (US)
- Eldor Khalyknazarov of Allen TX (US)
- Emil Talpes of San Mateo CA (US)
- Enrique Escobar
- Eric Bellemare of Mountain View CA (US)
- Eric Romero of San Francisco CA (US)
- Ethan Knight of Austin TX (US)
- Haim Feigenbaum of Irvine CA (US)
- Hari Krishna Pottabathula
- Harold Mejia Ruiz of Palo Alto CA (US)
- Harsimran Singh Sidhu of Fremont CA (US)
- Heejun PARK
- Hieu Minh Duong of Rosemead CA (US)
- Hieu Minh Duong of San Diego CA (US)
- How to find a good patent attorney
- How to find a patent attorney
- Huan Wang of Fremont CA (US)
- Huize Li of Stanford CA (US)
- Jacob Homer of Sunnyvale CA (US)
- Jae Hoon CHO
- Jae Hoon Yoo of San Jose CA (US)
- Jae Sung LEE
- James Anthony Musk of San Francisco CA (US)
- James DIEFENDERFER of San Francisco CA (US)
- James E. Mace of San Francisco CA (US)
- James Zhou LIU of Milford DE (US)
- Jan Kopitz of Fremont CA (US)
- Jason Lee of Austin TX (US)
- Jason McLoud of San Jose CA (US)
- Javier Isoldi
- Jeffery R. Dahn
- Jeffery Raymond Dahn
- Jeffrey B. Straubel of Menlo Park CA (US)
- Jia Lian Wang of San Francisco CA (US)
- Jian Hong of San Diego CA (US)
- Jianjun Li of Irvine CA (US)
- Jiaxian GUO
- Jin Zhao of San Jose CA (US)
- Jing Li
- Jiong Zhang of Cupertino CA (US)
- Jiyong KIM
- Joel Ragnar Palmert
- John Emmons of Austin TX (US)
- John Lim of Cambridge MA (US)
- Joon Ho Shin of San Diego CA (US)
- Jose Lejin P J
- Jose Sabino
- Josef Teplow of New York NY (US)
- Joseph Polin of San Francisco CA (US)
- Joseph Stratford Maxwell Mardall of San Francisco CA (US)
- Jovan Hutton Pulitzer of FRISCO TX (US)
- Juan Carlos Niebles Duque of Palo Alto CA (US)
- Jun Chen of Cupertino CA (US)
- Jun Kyu KIM
- Jung Bin LEE
- Junnan LI
- Junnan Li
- Junsik HWANG
- Kadir Ozdemir of San Jose CA (US)
- Kaleb KLAUBER of Oakland CA (US)
- Kate Kleinschmidt of Superior CO (US)
- Kaushal Mittal of Mountain House CA (US)
- Kefan Xie
- Keijiro Ikebe of Cupertino CA (US)
- Keith McGrath of Chicago IL (US)
- Keld Lundgaard of Cambridge MA (US)
- Kevin Han of San Francisco CA (US)
- Kevin Hsieh of Emerald Hills CA (US)
- Kevin Hurd of Redwood City CA (US)
- Kevin Marshall of Mill Valley CA (US)
- Ki Young YUN
- Kiran Hariharan Nair of Dublin CA (US)
- Kyle Jablon of Long Island City NY (US)
- Kyle Meyer of San Francisco CA (US)
- Kyu Ha SHIN
- Madhuri Gore of San Francisco CA (US)
- Maia Lewis Meza of Chicago IL (US)
- Mark Westfall of San Francisco CA (US)
- Martin SEERY of San Rafael CA (US)
- Mary Lou Jepsen
- Matthew Bauch of San Francisco CA (US)
- Matthew Fox of Woody Creek CO (US)
- Matthew John Cooper of Providence RI (US)
- Matthew L. Trahan of Chicago IL (US)
- Matthew Michael Brehmer of Seattle WA (US)
- Matthew Oswald of Austin TX (US)
- Matthew Woicik of Bellevue WA (US)
- Mauro Eduardo Ignacio Mujica-Parodi, III of Chicago IL (US)
- Meagan Gamache of Palo Alto CA (US)
- Medha SRIVASTAVA of San Francisco CA (US)
- Mengzhi Pang of Cupertino CA (US)
- Merwan Hade of San Francisco CA (US)
- Michael Byrne of Indianapolis IN (US)
- Michael D. Cave of Austin TX (US)
- Michael Hahn of San Francisco CA (US)
- Michael Moriarty of Cincinatti OH (US)
- Michael Patrick McGinty of Alameda CA (US)
- Michael Pilliod of San Francisco CA (US)
- Michael Rizkalla of Los Altos CA (US)
- Michael Tien Thinh Pham of Chicago IL (US)
- Michel Rochette
- Mitchell Christensen of San Francisco CA (US)
- Mitchell Heschke of Los Altos CA (US)
- Mobarrat Shahriar
- Mohamed Ibrahim of San Jose CA (US)
- Mohamed Nasr of Sunnyvale CA (US)
- Mohammed-Yazid Saidi of San Diego CA (US)