Can I copyright an AI character?

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Can I Copyright an AI Character?

The question of copyrighting AI-generated characters is complex and evolving, as it intersects with rapidly advancing technology and established copyright law. This article explores the current landscape of copyrighting AI characters.

Understanding AI Characters

AI characters can refer to:

  • Characters created using AI tools or assistance
  • Virtual characters powered by AI technology
  • Characters that are outputs of AI systems

Current Copyright Law and AI

As of 2024, copyright law in most jurisdictions is still adapting to AI-related creations:

Human Authorship Requirement

  • Traditionally, copyright laws require human authorship
  • Many copyright offices, including the U.S. Copyright Office, maintain that works must be created by humans to be copyrightable

AI as a Tool

  • When AI is used as a tool by human creators, the resulting character may be copyrightable
  • The key is demonstrating sufficient human creative input

Scenarios for AI Character Copyright

Human-Designed, AI-Assisted Characters

  • Characters conceptualized and substantially designed by humans, with AI used for enhancement or refinement, may be copyrightable
  • The human creator would likely be considered the author

AI-Generated Characters with Human Curation

  • Characters generated by AI but selected, modified, or arranged by humans might be copyrightable
  • The copyrightability may depend on the level of human creative input

Fully AI-Generated Characters

  • Characters created entirely by AI without significant human input are currently challenging to copyright in most jurisdictions
  • These may fall into a legal grey area

Challenges in Copyrighting AI Characters

Several issues complicate the copyrighting of AI characters:

Originality Requirement

  • Copyright law requires original works of authorship
  • Determining originality in AI-generated content can be complex

Ownership and Authorship

  • Questions arise about who owns the rights to AI-generated characters:
    • The AI developer?
    • The user of the AI tool?
    • The AI itself (currently not recognized as a legal author in most jurisdictions)?

Disclosure and Fixation

  • Copyright usually requires the work to be fixed in a tangible medium
  • Demonstrating fixation for dynamic, AI-powered characters can be challenging

Alternative Protection Strategies

When copyright is not available or uncertain, consider:

  • Trademark protection for character names or distinctive features
  • Contractual agreements governing the use of AI-generated characters
  • Trade secret protection for the processes used to create the characters

Global Perspectives

  • Different countries may have varying approaches to AI-generated works
  • Some jurisdictions are considering new categories of protection for AI creations

Best Practices for Creators

  • Document the creative process, especially human contributions
  • Clearly define ownership and usage rights in contracts when using AI tools
  • Consider a combination of intellectual property protections

Future Outlook

  • Copyright laws may evolve to address AI-generated works more explicitly
  • New forms of intellectual property protection specifically for AI creations might emerge


While copyrighting AI characters is possible in some scenarios, particularly those with significant human input, the legal landscape is still evolving. Creators should carefully consider their approach to protecting AI-related characters and stay informed about legal developments in this rapidly changing field.

See Also