BETA AIR, LLC patent applications published on November 30th, 2023

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Summary of the patent applications from BETA AIR, LLC on November 30th, 2023

BETA AIR, LLC has recently filed several patents related to various aspects of electric aircraft technology. These patents cover areas such as battery venting, active cooling systems, ground control systems, determination of limiting parameters, battery energy monitoring, flight mode guidance, recharging stations, and thermal energy management.

In summary, the patents filed by BETA AIR, LLC include:

- A venting assembly for battery ejecta in an electric aircraft, consisting of multiple battery packs and vents attached to each pack. - An apparatus for actively cooling a battery pack, utilizing an active cooling system with coolant channels and passive heat transfer elements. - An apparatus for automated ground control of an electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, involving a flight controller and a remote device for transmitting location data. - An apparatus for determining the most limiting parameter of an electric aircraft, using a processor and memory to analyze aircraft data from a sensing device. - An apparatus for determining the remaining energy of a battery pack in an electric aircraft, calculating reserve energy and resource remaining data based on aircraft data and flight mode. - An apparatus for guiding the transition between flight modes of an electric aircraft, utilizing a sensor, flight controller, and pilot indicator to display movement and guidance data. - An apparatus for determining the remaining energy of a battery in an electric aircraft, involving a processor and memory to analyze data from a sensing device. - An apparatus and method for a recharging station for electric aircraft, featuring a landing pad, rechargeable component, and power delivery unit with multiple charging units. - An apparatus for managing the thermal energy of an electric aircraft energy source, utilizing fins, a coolant system, and channels for heat dissipation.

Notable applications:

  • Battery venting assembly for safe operation of electric aircraft.
  • Active cooling system for efficient cooling of battery packs.
  • Automated ground control system for easy navigation and charging.
  • Determination of limiting parameters for enhanced safety and performance.
  • Battery energy monitoring for efficient battery usage.
  • Flight mode guidance for smooth transitions and pilot assistance.
  • Recharging station for convenient and versatile aircraft charging.
  • Thermal energy management for optimal performance and safety.

Patent applications for BETA AIR, LLC on November 30th, 2023


Main Inventor

John Charles Palombini

Brief explanation

- The patent application describes an electric charging station for electric vehicles.

- The charging station includes a charging cable that carries electricity and an energy source that is connected to the cable. - The charging station also includes a temperature sensor that generates temperature data. - A computing device is connected to the temperature regulating elements and the temperature sensor. - The computing device receives battery data and uses the temperature regulating elements to regulate battery temperature and cabin temperature based on the temperature data.


In an aspect the current disclosure may describe a electric charging station for an electric vehicle. The electric charging station may include a charging cable, wherein the charging cable is configured to carry electricity and an energy source, wherein the energy source is electrically connected to the charging cable. The charging station may further include a temperature sensor, wherein the temperature sensor is configured to generate temperature datum and a computing device. A computing device may be communicatively connected to the plurality of temperature regulating elements and the temperature sensor. The computing device may further be configured to receive the battery datum and regulate battery temperature and cabin temperature using the plurality of temperature regulating elements as a function of the temperature datum.


Main Inventor

Jake Pill

Brief explanation

The patent application describes a ground service system for an electric aircraft.
  • The system includes a charging module that charges the battery of the electric aircraft using a charging cable connected to an energy source.
  • A cooling module is included in the system to regulate the temperature of the battery. It uses a cooling cable to carry a coolant.
  • The system also features a cabin soak module that provides a cabin soak coolant to the cabin of the electric aircraft. It uses a cabin soak cable to carry a fluid.


A ground service system for an electric aircraft is disclosed. The system includes a charging module configured to charge a battery of an electric aircraft. The charging module includes a charging cable electrically connected to an energy source. The system includes a cooling module configured to regulate a temperature of the battery. The cooling module includes a cooling cable configured to carry a coolant. The system also includes a cabin soak module configured to provide a cabin soak coolant to a cabin of the electric aircraft. The cabin soak module includes a cabin soak cable configured to carry a fluid.


Main Inventor

Lochie Ferrier

Brief explanation

- The patent application is about braking systems and methods for an electrical vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.

- The braking system includes several components such as a pilot control device, brakes, wheels, sensors, and a controller. - The pilot uses the pilot control device to send information to the controller, which in turn slows down the aircraft. - The innovation focuses on providing an effective braking system for electrical vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. - The system allows the pilot to have control over the braking process, enhancing safety and maneuverability. - The inclusion of sensors helps in monitoring the braking process and ensuring optimal performance. - The patent application aims to improve the overall braking capabilities of electrical vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.


Braking systems and methods for an electrical vertical takeoff and landing aircraft are provided. A braking system may contain a pilot control device, brakes, wheels, sensors, and a controller. Pilot controls the pilot control device to transmit information to the controller such that the aircraft will slow down.


Main Inventor

Kyle Brookes

Brief explanation

The patent application describes a locking system for a propulsor teeter of an aircraft.
  • The system includes a propulsor driven by a motor, which has a hub that can rotate around a rotational axis.
  • A teeter mechanism is connected to the hub, allowing the propulsor to pivot along an axis that is not parallel to the propulsor's longitudinal axis and intersects with the rotational axis.
  • The locking mechanism is designed to restrict the pivoting of the propulsor by locking the teeter mechanism.
  • The locking is specifically intended to be activated while the aircraft is in wing-borne flight.


A locking system for a propulsor teeter of an aircraft is disclosed. The system includes a propulsor, driven by a motor, comprising a hub, wherein the hub is configured to rotate about a rotational axis, a teeter mechanism connected to the hub, wherein the teeter mechanism is configured to permit the propulsor to pivot along an axis, wherein the axis is non-parallel with a longitudinal axis of the propulsor and intersecting with the rotational axis of the propulsor and a locking mechanism configured to lock the teeter mechanism, restricting the pivoting of the propulsor, while the aircraft is in wing-borne flight.


Main Inventor

Collin Freiheit

Brief explanation

The patent application describes a system for synchronizing the propulsors of an electric aircraft using electronic brakes. 
  • The system includes a controller located in the aircraft that receives signals from multiple propulsor sensors.
  • The propulsor sensors measure motion parameters of the propulsors.
  • The controller synchronously decelerates the propulsors based on the measured motion parameters.


A system for propulsor synchronization using electronic brakes is disclosed. The system includes a controller located in an electric aircraft configured to receive a first signal from a first propulsor sensor of a plurality of propulsor sensors, the first propulsor sensor configured to measure a first motion parameter of a first propulsor of a plurality of propulsors. The controller may receive a second signal from a second propulsor sensor of the plurality of propulsor sensors, the second propulsor sensor configured to measure a second motion parameter of a second propulsor of the plurality of propulsors. The controller may synchronously decelerate the first propulsor and the second propulsor based on the first motion parameter and the second motion parameter.


Main Inventor

Braedon Lohe

Brief explanation

- The patent application is for an apparatus designed to manage the thermal energy of an electric aircraft energy source.

- The apparatus includes fins that extend from the skin of the electric aircraft. - The energy source is positioned near or connected to the fins, allowing heat energy to dissipate through the fins and the aircraft's skin. - The apparatus also includes a coolant system, with channels located between the fins, allowing coolant to flow through them. - The purpose of the apparatus is to effectively dissipate heat from the energy source, preventing overheating and ensuring optimal performance of the electric aircraft.


The present invention is directed to an apparatus for managing thermal energy of an electric aircraft energy source. Apparatus may include fins, which extend from a skin of electric aircraft. The energy source may bias or be adjacent to the fins so that heat energy may dissipate from the energy source and through the fins and, thus, the skin. A coolant may also be run through the apparatus, where the coolant may flow through channels that are disposed between the fins.


Main Inventor

Thomas Henck

Brief explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus for determining the most limiting parameter of an electric aircraft. 
  • The apparatus includes a processor and memory connected to it.
  • The processor receives aircraft data from a sensing device that measures a parameter of the electric aircraft.
  • The processor then determines the most limiting parameter based on the aircraft data.
  • The most limiting parameter is communicated to a pilot indicator, which displays it to the user.


In an aspect an apparatus for determining a most limiting parameter of an electric aircraft is presented. An apparatus includes at least a processor and a memory communicatively connected to the at least a processor. A memory contains instructions configuring at least a processor to receive aircraft data from a sensing device. A sensing device is configured to measure a parameter of an electric aircraft and generate aircraft data. At least a processor is configured to determine a most limiting parameter of an electric aircraft as a function of aircraft data. At least a processor is configured to communicate a most limiting parameter to a pilot indicator in communication with the at least a processor and memory communicatively connected to the at least a processor. A pilot indicator is configured to display a most limiting parameter to a user.


Main Inventor

Jake Pill

Brief explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus and method for a recharging station for electric aircraft.
  • The recharging station includes a landing pad, a rechargeable component, and a power delivery unit.
  • The rechargeable component is connected to the landing pad and has multiple charging units spaced apart from each other.
  • The power delivery unit is designed to deliver power from a power supply unit or power storage unit to the rechargeable component.
  • The multiple charging units allow the electric aircraft to land in any orientation.
  • The recharging station provides a convenient and efficient way to recharge electric aircraft.


An apparatus and method for a recharging station including a landing pad, a rechargeable component coupled to the landing pad, and a power delivery unit configured to deliver power from a power supply unit or power storage unit to the recharging component. Rechargeable component includes a plurality of charging units placed at predetermined spacings from one another. The plurality of charging units allows for the electric aircraft to land in any orientation.


Main Inventor

Steven J. Foland

Brief explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus for determining the remaining energy of a battery in an electric aircraft. 
  • The apparatus includes a processor and memory connected to the processor.
  • The processor receives data from a sensing device that measures parameters of the battery pack.
  • The sensing device generates aircraft data based on these parameters.
  • The processor then determines a reserve energy based on the flight mode of the aircraft.
  • Using the aircraft data and reserve energy, the processor calculates a resource remaining datum, which indicates the remaining energy of the battery pack.


An apparatus for determining a resource remaining datum of an electric aircraft is disclosed. The apparatus includes a processor and a memory communicatively connected to the processor. The memory contains instructions configuring the processor to receive aircraft data from at least a sensing device, wherein the at least a sensing device is configured to measure at least a parameter of a battery pack of the electric aircraft and generate aircraft data as a function of the at least a parameter of the battery pack of the electric aircraft. The memory contains instructions configuring the processor to determine a reserve energy as a function of a flight mode of the electric aircraft and determine a resource remaining datum as a function of the aircraft data and the reserve energy, wherein the resource remaining datum is related to the battery pack of the electric aircraft.


Main Inventor

Thomas Henck

Brief explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus for guiding the transition between flight modes of an electric aircraft.
  • The apparatus includes a sensor that detects the movement of the aircraft.
  • A flight controller is connected to the sensor and receives the movement data.
  • The flight controller determines the current flight mode based on the movement data.
  • It generates a guidance data based on the change in flight mode and the movement data.
  • The movement data and guidance data are communicated to a pilot indicator.
  • The pilot indicator displays the movement data and guidance data to the pilot.


An apparatus for guiding a transition between flight modes of an electric aircraft is illustrated. The apparatus comprises at least a sensor configured to detect a movement datum of the electric aircraft and a flight controller communicatively connected to the at least sensor, wherein the flight controller is configured to receive the movement datum from the at least a sensor, determine a current flight mode of the electric aircraft as a function of the movement datum, generate a guidance datum as a function of a change in flight mode and the movement datum, communicate the movement datum and the guidance datum to a pilot indicator in communication with the flight controller, and display the movement datum and the guidance datum using the pilot indicator.


Main Inventor

Steven J. Foland

Brief explanation

This patent application describes an apparatus for determining the remaining energy of a battery pack in an electric aircraft. 
  • The apparatus includes a processor and memory that receive aircraft data from a sensing device.
  • The sensing device measures parameters of the battery pack and generates aircraft data based on these measurements.
  • The processor uses the aircraft data to determine a reserve energy, which is based on the flight mode of the aircraft.
  • The processor then calculates a resource remaining datum, which provides information about the remaining energy in the battery pack.
  • The resource remaining datum is important for monitoring and managing the battery usage in the electric aircraft.


An apparatus for determining a resource remaining datum of an electric aircraft is disclosed. The apparatus includes a processor and a memory communicatively connected to the processor. The memory contains instructions configuring the processor to receive aircraft data from at least a sensing device, wherein the at least a sensing device is configured to measure at least a parameter of a battery pack of the electric aircraft and generate aircraft data as a function of the at least a parameter of the battery pack of the electric aircraft. The memory contains instructions configuring the processor to determine a reserve energy as a function of a flight mode of the electric aircraft and determine a resource remaining datum as a function of the aircraft data and the reserve energy, wherein the resource remaining datum is related to the battery pack of the electric aircraft.


Main Inventor

Herman Wiegman

Brief explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus for determining the most limiting parameter of an electric aircraft. 
  • The apparatus includes a processor and memory connected to it.
  • The processor receives aircraft data from a sensing device.
  • The sensing device measures a parameter of the electric aircraft and generates aircraft data.
  • The processor then determines the most limiting parameter of the electric aircraft based on the aircraft data.
  • The most limiting parameter is communicated to a pilot indicator, which is connected to the processor and memory.
  • The pilot indicator displays the most limiting parameter to the user.


In an aspect an apparatus for determining a most limiting parameter of an electric aircraft is presented. An apparatus includes at least a processor and a memory communicatively connected to the at least a processor. A memory contains instructions configuring at least a processor to receive aircraft data from a sensing device. A sensing device is configured to measure a parameter of an electric aircraft and generate aircraft data. At least a processor is configured to determine a most limiting parameter of an electric aircraft as a function of aircraft data. At least a processor is configured to communicate a most limiting parameter to a pilot indicator in communication with the at least a processor and memory communicatively connected to the at least a processor. A pilot indicator is configured to display a most limiting parameter to a user.


Main Inventor

John Charles Palombini

Brief explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus for automated ground control of an electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.
  • The apparatus includes a flight controller and a remote device.
  • The remote device can transmit a location datum to the flight controller.
  • The location datum stores the location of a charger, terminal, airport, or similar location.
  • The flight controller can authorize the location datum and use the information to direct the aircraft.


An apparatus for automated ground control of an electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft includes a flight controller and a remote device. Remote device may transmit a location datum to a flight controller. Location datum may store a location of a charger, terminal, airport, or the like. Flight controller may authorize the location datum and direct aircraft using the information from the location datum.


Main Inventor

Nathan Goldsberry

Brief explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus for actively cooling a battery pack.
  • The apparatus includes a battery pack with multiple battery modules.
  • It also includes an active cooling system with a coolant channel that contains a coolant fluid.
  • The active cooling system is designed to be in thermal communication with more than one of the battery modules.
  • The apparatus further includes multiple passive heat transfer elements.
  • Each passive heat transfer element is connected to the active cooling system and extends to a battery module.
  • The passive heat transfer elements also extend away from the coolant channel.


An apparatus for active battery pack cooling including a battery pack with a plurality of battery modules. The apparatus further including an active cooling system with a coolant channel, wherein the coolant channel includes a coolant fluid. The active cooling system is in thermal communication with more than one of the plurality of battery modules. The apparatus also including a plurality of passive heat transfer elements, wherein each of the plurality of passive heat transfer elements is connected to the active cooling system, extends to a battery module of the plurality of battery modules, and extends away from the coolant channel.


Main Inventor

Braedon Lohe

Brief explanation

The abstract describes a venting assembly for battery ejecta in an electric aircraft.
  • The venting assembly consists of multiple battery packs that power the aircraft.
  • Each battery pack contains multiple battery cells.
  • The assembly includes vents that are attached to each battery pack.
  • There is also an outlet that is in fluidic communication with the vents.
  • The outlet is located on a different side of the aircraft than the egress (exit).


A venting assembly for battery ejecta on a side different from an egress, wherein the venting assembly comprises a plurality of battery packs configured to power the electric aircraft, wherein each battery pack of plurality of battery packs comprises a plurality of battery cells, a plurality of vents wherein each vent of the plurality of vents is attached to each battery pack of the plurality of battery packs, and at least an outlet in fluidic communication with the plurality of vents, wherein the at least an outlet is located on a different side of the electric aircraft as an egress.