18491685. MASTER SLAVE MANAGED MEMORY STORAGE simplified abstract (Micron Technology, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Micron Technology, Inc.


Gil Golov of Backnang (DE)

MASTER SLAVE MANAGED MEMORY STORAGE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18491685 titled 'MASTER SLAVE MANAGED MEMORY STORAGE

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a patent application related to data storage devices, where a string of storage devices are connected in a chain and coupled to a host device. Each storage device can execute commands from the host device and acts as a master to the next device in the chain and a slave to the previous device.

  • Simplified Explanation:
  - Patent related to data storage devices connected in a chain to a host device.
  - Each storage device can execute commands from the host and acts as a master and slave in the chain.
  • Potential Applications:
  - Data centers
  - Cloud storage systems
  - IoT devices
  • Problems Solved:
  - Simplified data storage management
  - Efficient data transfer within a chain of devices
  • Benefits:
  - Scalability
  - Reduced complexity in managing multiple storage devices
  • Potential Commercial Applications:
  - Storage solutions for businesses
  - Embedded systems for consumer electronics
  • Possible Prior Art:
  - RAID systems
  - Storage area networks


1. How does this technology improve data storage efficiency compared to traditional methods?

  - This technology streamlines data storage management by creating a chain of devices that act as a single large storage space to the host device, reducing the complexity of managing individual storage devices.

2. What are the potential limitations or challenges of implementing this technology in real-world applications?

  - One potential challenge could be ensuring seamless communication and data transfer between the host device and the chain of storage devices, as well as addressing any compatibility issues that may arise with different types of storage devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

Systems, methods, and apparatus related to data storage devices. In one approach, a string of storage devices are chained together and coupled to a host device for storing data. Each storage device may, for example, execute read, write, or erase commands received from the host device. Each storage device in the chain is a master to the next storage device in the chain, and each storage device is a slave to the previous storage device in the chain. In one example, the host device is a system-on-chip. The chain can manage itself and is seen as a single large storage space to the host device. The host device does not require knowledge about each individual storage device, and each storage device does not require knowledge about the other storage devices in the chain (other than whether the storage device is attached to another storage device on its master port).