Zoom video communications, inc. (20240275626). Permissioning Multimedia Conference Recording simplified abstract

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Permissioning Multimedia Conference Recording

Organization Name

zoom video communications, inc.


Shane Paul Springer of Oregon City OR (US)

Permissioning Multimedia Conference Recording - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240275626 titled 'Permissioning Multimedia Conference Recording

The abstract describes a patent application where a server records a conference and obtains permission from at least one participant device to store a subset of media generated during the conference in a data repository. The permission specifies which media types to store and which not to store, and the server modifies the recording based on this permission before storing it in the data repository.

  • Simplified Explanation:

- A server records a conference. - It gets permission from a participant device to store specific media in a data repository. - The server modifies the recording based on the permission before storing it.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Recording conferences with participant permission. - Selective storage of media types. - Modification of recordings based on permission.

  • Potential Applications:

- Conference recording and storage systems. - Media management in collaborative environments. - Privacy control in recorded meetings.

  • Problems Solved:

- Efficient storage of conference recordings. - Customized media management. - Enhanced privacy protection.

  • Benefits:

- Tailored storage solutions. - Improved data security. - Streamlined conference recording processes.

  • Commercial Applications:

- "Selective Media Storage System for Conferences: Market Implications and Uses"

  • Prior Art:

- Researchers can explore existing systems for conference recording and media storage.

  • Frequently Updated Research:

- Stay informed about advancements in conference recording technologies and privacy controls.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this patent application improve conference recording processes? 2. What are the potential privacy implications of selectively storing media from conferences?

Original Abstract Submitted

a server generates a recording of a conference. the server obtains, after termination of the conference, permission from at least one participant device of the conference to store a subset of media generated by the at least one participant device during the conference in a data repository. the permission specifies at least one media type to store in the data repository and at least one media type not to store in the data repository. the server stores, in the data repository, the recording of the conference modified based on the obtained permission.