Zoom video communications, inc. (20240249163). Automated Responding To A Prompt In A Contact Center simplified abstract

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Automated Responding To A Prompt In A Contact Center

Organization Name

zoom video communications, inc.


Alejandro Paiuk of West Hartford CT (US)

Automated Responding To A Prompt In A Contact Center - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240249163 titled 'Automated Responding To A Prompt In A Contact Center

Simplified Explanation

A contact center server uses a chat bot to provide users with stored responses from a knowledgebase during engagements.

  • The contact center server receives queries from user devices.
  • It identifies the queries that match stored prompts and responses in the knowledgebase.
  • The chat bot then delivers the appropriate response to the user device.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Utilization of a chat bot for communication with users.
  • Matching queries to stored prompts and responses in a knowledgebase.
  • Efficient delivery of responses to users during contact center engagements.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various customer service settings where quick and accurate responses are required, such as:

  • Call centers
  • Help desks
  • Technical support services

Problems Solved

  • Streamlining customer service processes
  • Providing consistent and accurate responses to user queries
  • Enhancing user experience during contact center engagements


  • Improved efficiency in handling user queries
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Reduction in response time during contact center interactions

Commercial Applications

  • This technology can be used by companies to improve their customer service operations, leading to higher customer retention and satisfaction levels. It can also help in reducing operational costs by automating certain aspects of customer interactions.

Questions about the Technology

How does the chat bot determine the appropriate response to user queries?

The chat bot matches user queries with stored prompts and responses in the knowledgebase to provide the most relevant answer.

What are the potential drawbacks of relying on a knowledgebase for responses?

One potential drawback is the need to regularly update and maintain the knowledgebase to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the stored responses.

Original Abstract Submitted

a contact center server receives, during a contact center engagement and via a chat bot of the contact center server, a query from a user device. the contact center server determines that the query corresponds to a stored prompt associated with a stored response in a contact center knowledgebase. the contact center server provides, via the chat bot, the stored response to the user device.