Zoom video communications, inc. (20240187552). Video Conference Image Correction simplified abstract

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Video Conference Image Correction

Organization Name

zoom video communications, inc.


Reed Hunter Allen of Medford OR (US)

Shane Paul Springer of Oregon City OR (US)

Video Conference Image Correction - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240187552 titled 'Video Conference Image Correction

Simplified Explanation

Simplified Explanation

Image correction technology is used to enhance the quality of video content from a conference room device during video conferences. The technology involves detecting and correcting modifications in the image to improve its overall appearance.

  • The server receives an image from a conference room device connected to a video conference.
  • An improvement detection engine identifies modifications in the image.
  • The server transmits the modifications to an image correction engine.
  • The image correction engine generates a corrected image based on the modifications.
  • The server receives the corrected image and transmits it to the remote device for display.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various industries such as telecommunication, video conferencing, and remote collaboration platforms.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses issues related to poor image quality during video conferences, ensuring a better viewing experience for participants.


The technology improves the overall quality of video content, leading to clearer and more visually appealing images during video conferences.

Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications include integrating this technology into video conferencing systems, telecommunication devices, and collaboration platforms to enhance user experience and image quality.

Prior Art

There may be existing technologies related to image correction in video conferencing systems, but this specific approach may offer unique features or improvements.

Frequently Updated Research

Research on image processing algorithms, video compression techniques, and real-time image correction methods may be relevant to the ongoing development of this technology.

Questions about Image Correction

How does image correction technology impact the overall user experience in video conferences?

Image correction technology significantly improves the visual quality of video content, making it easier for participants to see and understand the information being presented.

What are the key factors to consider when implementing image correction technology in video conferencing systems?

Key factors to consider include real-time processing capabilities, compatibility with existing hardware and software, and the ability to adapt to different lighting conditions for optimal image correction.

Original Abstract Submitted

image correction is performed to improve the quality of video content from a conference room device during a video conference. a server receives an image from a video feed of a conference room device connected to a video conference for transmission to a remote device connected to the video conference. the server identifies, using an improvement detection engine, a modification for the image. the server transmits the modification to an image correction engine configured to generate a corrected image based on the modification. the server receives the corrected image from the image correction engine. the server transmits the corrected image to the remote device for display.