Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (20240212676). USING METADATA FOR IMPROVED TRANSCRIPTION SEARCH simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.


Brandon Kevin Roper of Washington UT (US)

USING METADATA FOR IMPROVED TRANSCRIPTION SEARCH - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240212676 titled 'USING METADATA FOR IMPROVED TRANSCRIPTION SEARCH

The present disclosure discusses systems and methods for utilizing metadata to enhance the identification of desired information within a transcription. This involves receiving audio data, recognizing terms within the audio data, identifying alternate recognized terms corresponding to the recognized terms, generating a transcription based on the recognized terms, and creating metadata associated with the transcription, including links between the alternate recognized terms and the recognized terms.

  • Receiving audio data
  • Recognizing terms within the audio data
  • Identifying alternate recognized terms corresponding to the recognized terms
  • Generating a transcription based on the recognized terms
  • Creating metadata associated with the transcription, including links between the alternate recognized terms and the recognized terms

This innovation allows for more efficient searching for specific information within transcriptions by utilizing metadata that includes alternate recognized terms linked to the recognized terms.

Potential Applications: - Improving search capabilities within transcriptions - Enhancing information retrieval from audio data - Streamlining transcription processes in various industries

Problems Solved: - Difficulty in accurately identifying desired information within transcriptions - Inefficient search processes for specific terms within audio data

Benefits: - Increased accuracy in identifying information within transcriptions - Enhanced search capabilities for specific terms within audio data - Improved efficiency in transcription processes

Commercial Applications: Title: Enhanced Transcription Search System This technology could be utilized in transcription services, legal documentation, market research analysis, and academic research for more accurate and efficient information retrieval.

Prior Art: Researchers can explore existing technologies related to speech recognition, natural language processing, and metadata utilization in transcription systems for potential prior art.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in speech recognition technology, metadata integration in transcription systems, and improvements in information retrieval algorithms for audio data.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this innovation improve the accuracy of information retrieval within transcriptions? 2. What industries could benefit the most from this enhanced transcription search system?

Original Abstract Submitted

the present disclosure relates to systems and methods for using metadata to improve identifying desired information within a transcription. the systems and methods including receiving audio data, recognizing terms within the audio data, identifying alternate recognized terms within the audio data, the alternate recognized terms corresponding to the recognized terms within the audio data, generating a transcription based on the recognized terms, and generating metadata associated with the transcription, the metadata comprising the alternate recognized terms and with links between the alternate recognized terms and the recognized terms within the transcription. the systems and methods also include receiving a search query for a string within the transcription, searching for the string within the transcription and within the metadata, and providing one or more search results based on the searching.