Wacom Co., Ltd. (20240273146). SECURE SIGNING METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Wacom Co., Ltd.


Joss Daniel Giffard-burley of Frome (GB)

Avinav Khanal of Duesseldorf (DE)

Novi Rahman of Duesseldorf (DE)

SECURE SIGNING METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240273146 titled 'SECURE SIGNING METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM

The abstract describes a patent application for a system that creates a record containing an original document and a modification to that document. Metadata is generated for the modification, which is then stored in a data store. A decentralized identifier (DID) document is created for the modification based on the generated metadata. Verifiable credentials are generated for the modification and stored, along with a QR code for the DID document. The modified document metadata, including a document hash and the created DID document, is recorded in a blockchain transaction. A visual representation of the modification and the QR code are added to the original document, creating a sealed document.

  • Creation of a record with an original document and a modification
  • Generation of metadata for the modification
  • Storage of the modification in a data store
  • Request for a DID document for the modification based on metadata
  • Generation of verifiable credentials for the modification
  • Recording of the modification in a blockchain transaction
  • Addition of a visual representation and QR code to the original document
  • Creation of a sealed document

Potential Applications: - Document verification and authentication - Intellectual property protection - Secure data storage and management

Problems Solved: - Ensuring the integrity and authenticity of modified documents - Providing a decentralized and secure method for document verification

Benefits: - Enhanced document security - Improved trust and transparency in document modifications - Efficient and reliable verification process

Commercial Applications: Title: Secure Document Verification System This technology can be utilized in industries such as legal, healthcare, finance, and government for secure document management, verification, and authentication. It can also be integrated into digital platforms for enhanced data security and trust.

Questions about the Secure Document Verification System: 1. How does this system ensure the authenticity of modified documents? 2. What are the potential implications of using blockchain technology for document verification and authentication?

Original Abstract Submitted

a record including an original document and a modification to the original document is created. metadata associated with the modification to the original document is generated. the modification in stored in a data store. creation and registration of a decentralized identifier (did) document for the modification is requested based on the generated metadata. modified document metadata is generated which includes a document hash and the created did document for the modification. recordation of the modification in a blockchain transaction, creation and registration of a did document for the modified document, and generation of verifiable credentials for the modification are requested. the generated verifiable credentials for the modification are stored and a quick response (qr) code for the did document for the modification is generated. a visual representation of the modification and the qr code for the modification are added to the original document, generating a sealed document.