Unknown Organization (20240424411). GPT and hyperlinks to protect women from online predators
GPT and hyperlinks to protect women from online predators
Organization Name
Wesley John Boudville of Perth (AU)
GPT and hyperlinks to protect women from online predators
This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240424411 titled 'GPT and hyperlinks to protect women from online predators
Original Abstract Submitted
we combine using gpt with hyperlinks to protect women from online sex predators. the women might be visiting a metaverse site. or playing a game in a non-metaverse site. a priority is to use hyperlinks attached to virtual underwear. the links go to a punishment site. a predator who gropes a female character or avatar is sent there. lesser acts can be rude gestures, rude spoken words, rude written text. gpt is used to detect these. remedies include a blurring of rude gestures or a redacting of rude text, or deforming a limb if the limb is used to make a rude gesture. another use can be to detect a predator showing the sole of its shoe to another avatar.