Unknown Organization (20240281518). Swapping Predator and Victim in the Metaverse simplified abstract

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Swapping Predator and Victim in the Metaverse

Organization Name

Unknown Organization


Wesley John Boudville of Perth (AU)

Swapping Predator and Victim in the Metaverse - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240281518 titled 'Swapping Predator and Victim in the Metaverse

Simplified Explanation:

The patent application describes a virtual reality (VR) system where a predator avatar can touch an off-limits area of a victim avatar, leading the predator to a punishment site. At the punishment site, the predator is copied to a fake predator controlled by a combat bot or human, and the predator's limbs are immobilized while the fake predator attacks them. This creates a scenario where the predator sees themselves being attacked by what appears to be themselves.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Virtual reality system with victim and predator avatars
  • Punishment site for predators who violate rules
  • Creation of a fake predator to attack the original predator
  • Immobilization of predator's limbs during attack

Potential Applications: This technology could be used in virtual reality gaming, training simulations, or therapeutic applications for behavior modification.

Problems Solved: Addresses issues of virtual harassment and inappropriate behavior in VR environments.

Benefits: Enhances user experience by enforcing rules and consequences within virtual reality spaces.

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include VR gaming platforms, educational simulations, and virtual training programs for various industries.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology may include research on virtual reality avatars, behavior modification in virtual environments, and immersive gaming experiences.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in virtual reality technology, avatar interactions, and virtual behavior modification techniques.

Questions about Virtual Reality Behavior Modification: 1. How does this technology impact user behavior in virtual reality environments? 2. What are the ethical considerations of using virtual punishment in VR systems?

1. A relevant generic question not answered by the article, with a detailed answer. - How does the use of fake predators in VR systems affect the overall user experience and immersion? - The use of fake predators in VR systems can create a unique and immersive experience for users, as it adds an element of surprise and unpredictability to the virtual environment. This can enhance the overall engagement and realism of the VR experience, making it more compelling for users.

2. Another relevant generic question, with a detailed answer. - What are the potential psychological effects of being attacked by a fake predator in a virtual reality setting? - Being attacked by a fake predator in a virtual reality setting can evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and adrenaline in users. This can create a sense of urgency and intensity in the virtual experience, leading to heightened emotional responses and engagement. However, it is important to consider the potential impact on users' mental well-being and ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent any negative consequences.

Original Abstract Submitted

a virtual reality (vr) site has a victim avatar and a predator. the predator touches an off limits area of the victim, sending the predator to a punishment site (ps). the ps copies the predator to a fake predator (fp), driven by a combat bot or human. the predator's limbs are immobilised by the ps. the fp attacks the predator. the predator sees himself attacked by (apparently) himself. the vr site can instead send a copy of the victim to the ps. the fp attacks the copy of the victim. the visual feed seen by the victim is sent to the predator. he sees himself as the victim attacked by the (fake) predator. or when the ps gets a copy of the victim, it makes the victim attack the predator.