Unknown Organization (20240265001). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BLOCKCHAIN DATA FABRIC simplified abstract

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Unknown Organization


Reza Fatahi of Encino CA (US)

SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BLOCKCHAIN DATA FABRIC - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240265001 titled 'SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BLOCKCHAIN DATA FABRIC

Simplified Explanation: The patent application discusses a system that connects edge computing gateways and databases to a blockchain data fabric infrastructure through a "universal adapter" for performing computations based on blockchain-stored data.

  • The system includes a web3 client for blockchain communication, a peer-to-peer network storage interface like an IPFS client, connectors to edge gateways and databases, and a method for computations within the blockchain data fabric system.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • System for interfacing edge computing gateways and databases with a blockchain data fabric infrastructure.
  • Universal adapter for performing computations based on blockchain-stored data.
  • Includes web3 client, peer-to-peer network storage interface, connectors to edge gateways and databases.

Potential Applications: The technology can be applied in various industries such as finance, supply chain management, healthcare, and IoT for secure and efficient data processing.

Problems Solved: The technology addresses the need for secure and efficient data processing by connecting edge computing gateways and databases to a blockchain data fabric infrastructure.


  • Enhanced security and efficiency in data processing.
  • Seamless integration of edge computing gateways and databases with blockchain technology.
  • Improved data integrity and transparency.

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized in industries such as finance for secure transactions, supply chain management for transparent tracking, and healthcare for secure patient data management.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior research on blockchain data fabric systems, edge computing, and database integration to understand the background of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in blockchain technology, edge computing, and database integration to enhance understanding of this innovative system.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the universal adapter ensure secure communication between edge gateways and the blockchain data fabric? 2. What are the potential scalability challenges when integrating databases with the blockchain data fabric?

Original Abstract Submitted

the patent application describes a system for interfacing edge computing gateways and/or databases with a blockchain data fabric infrastructure. the system, referred to as the “universal adapter”, performs computations based on data stored and accessible by the blockchain data fabric. the universal adapter comprises of at least one web3 client for communication with the blockchain, at least one peer-to-peer network storage interface, such as an ipfs client, a library of connectors to leading edge gateways and pubsub brokers, and a library of connectors to leading databases commonly found in existing or legacy data fabrics. the patent claims the novel or custom method for performing the computations in the blockchain data fabric system. additionally, the claims describe the use of the universal adapter in the system, as well as the composition of the universal adapter itself.