Unknown Organization (20240220189). COVERT SPORTS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Unknown Organization


John Andrew Hankins of Carlsbad CA (US)

Craig Anthony Filicetti of Scottsdale AZ (US)

COVERT SPORTS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240220189 titled 'COVERT SPORTS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM

    • Simplified Explanation:**

The patent application describes a covert sports communication system that allows coded audio track selection signals to be wirelessly transmitted to a receiver worn within headgear. The receiver decodes these signals and plays stored audio tracks, which may include instructions for participants in a sporting event.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Transmitter for wireless transmission of coded audio track selection signals
  • Receiver worn within headgear
  • Decoding of audio track selection signals
  • Playback of stored audio tracks with instructions for participants
    • Potential Applications:**

This technology could be used in various sports events where participants need to receive audio instructions discreetly.

    • Problems Solved:**

The system addresses the need for covert communication in sports events where verbal instructions may not be feasible.

    • Benefits:**
  • Allows for discreet communication with participants
  • Enhances the efficiency of conveying instructions during sporting events
    • Commercial Applications:**

Potential commercial uses could include integrating this technology into sports equipment for professional athletes or teams. This innovation could have market implications in the sports industry for enhancing communication strategies.

    • Prior Art:**

Prior art related to covert communication systems in sports events may include research on wearable technology for athletes and communication devices in sports equipment.

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Research on advancements in wireless communication technology and audio transmission systems could be relevant to this technology.

    • Questions about Covert Sports Communication Systems:**

1. How does this technology improve communication efficiency in sports events? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this system in different sports environments?

Original Abstract Submitted

a covert sports communication system has a transmitter configured to wirelessly transmit coded audio track selection signals. the system includes a receiver that may be worn within headgear. the receiver includes stored audio tracks and is configured to receive coded audio track selection signals from the transmitter, decode the audio track selection signals, and play at least one stored audio track in accordance with the decoded audio track selection signals. the audio tracks may include audio instructions to a participant of a sporting event.