Unknown Organization (20240218223). Adhesive, waterproofing and sealing glue, made from natural components, and the process for obtaining it simplified abstract

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Adhesive, waterproofing and sealing glue, made from natural components, and the process for obtaining it

Organization Name

Unknown Organization


Ana Maria Aramburo of Mendoza (AR)

Emiliana De Rosas of Mendoza (AR)

Adhesive, waterproofing and sealing glue, made from natural components, and the process for obtaining it - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240218223 titled 'Adhesive, waterproofing and sealing glue, made from natural components, and the process for obtaining it

Simplified Explanation: The abstract describes a natural adhesive, waterproofing, and sealing glue made from whey residues and pruning residue of a specific plant species, along with other natural components.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Adhesive, waterproofing, and sealing properties
  • Natural components including whey residues and pruning residue
  • Addition of acetic acid, corn starch, sucrose, sodium bicarbonate, and traces of calcium silicate and boric salts
  • Good texture, mechanical strength, and waterproofing finish
  • Micro-porosity for breathability

Potential Applications: This technology can be used in the construction industry for manufacturing laminated panels from cellulosic components, including multi-laminated panels and particle conglomerates.

Problems Solved: This technology provides a natural alternative to traditional adhesives, waterproofing, and sealing products, reducing the reliance on synthetic materials.

Benefits: The natural glue offers sufficient adhesive and filling power, proven mechanical strength, and a waterproof finish, making it a sustainable and eco-friendly option for various applications.

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include the production of eco-friendly laminated panels for construction projects, offering a sustainable and natural alternative to traditional adhesives.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to natural adhesives, waterproofing, and sealing products in the construction industry to understand the evolution of similar technologies.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on research related to natural adhesives, waterproofing, and sealing technologies in the construction industry to discover new advancements and applications.

Questions about Natural Adhesive Technology: 1. What are the specific natural components used in this adhesive technology?

  - The natural components include whey residues, pruning residue, acetic acid, corn starch, sucrose, sodium bicarbonate, and traces of calcium silicate and boric salts.

2. How does this natural adhesive compare to traditional synthetic adhesives in terms of performance and sustainability?

  - This natural adhesive offers comparable performance to traditional synthetic adhesives while providing a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative.

Original Abstract Submitted

an adhesive, waterproofing, and sealing glue, with natural components, and the process to obtain it, based on the use of whey residues from the cheese industry and the pruning residue of -, a species with low water consumption, to which acetic acid, corn starch, sucrose, sodium bicarbonate, and traces of calcium silicate and boric salts are added. it is obtained through the process disclosed, natural glue that cements with sufficient adhesive and filling power, with proven mechanical strength, good texture and waterproofing finish, and with adequate micro-porosity for the breathability of the product. this glue is particularly useful for the construction industry, in the manufacture of laminated panels from cellulosic components, whether they are multi-laminated panels or those made from particle conglomerates.