University of Strathclyde (20240403685). Quantum System and Method

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Quantum System and Method

Organization Name

University of Strathclyde


Gerard Pelegri of Glasgow (GB)

Andrew Daley of Glasgow (GB)

Jonathan Pritchard of Glasgow (GB)

Quantum System and Method

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240403685 titled 'Quantum System and Method

Original Abstract Submitted

a method of performing a quantum gate operation using a quantum system wherein the quantum system comprises two or more neutral atoms, wherein each atom of the two or more neutral atoms is configured to transition between atomic states comprising: a first hyperfine ground state of the atom, a second hyperfine ground state of the atom, a rydberg state and at least one intermediate excited state, wherein the quantum system further comprises an interaction between the rydberg states of the two or more neutral atoms, and wherein the method comprises: