University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (20240267069). 5G MILLIMETER WAVE DUAL-BAND DUAL-MODE MIXER AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TERMINAL simplified abstract

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Organization Name

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


Chenxi Zhao of Chengdu (CN)

Kai Kang of Chengdu (CN)

Yiming Yu of Chengdu (CN)

Huihua Liu of Chengdu (CN)

Yunqiu Wu of Chengdu (CN)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240267069 titled '5G MILLIMETER WAVE DUAL-BAND DUAL-MODE MIXER AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TERMINAL

Simplified Explanation: This patent application pertains to a 5G millimeter wave dual-band dual-mode mixer and wireless communication terminal. The mixer includes multiple MOSFETs and capacitors connected in a specific configuration to enable efficient signal processing.

  • The first MOSFET is connected to the source of the second MOSFET and the third MOSFET through its drain, with the first MOSFET also connected to the drain of the fourth MOSFET.
  • The second MOSFET is connected to one end of the first capacitor through its gate, with the other end of the first capacitor connected to the drain of the third MOSFET.
  • The third MOSFET is connected to one end of the second capacitor through its gate, and the other end of the second capacitor is connected to the drain of the second MOSFET.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Utilizes a specific configuration of MOSFETs and capacitors for efficient signal processing.
  • Enables dual-band and dual-mode operation for 5G millimeter wave communication.
  • Enhances the performance of wireless communication terminals.

Potential Applications:

  • 5G wireless communication systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Smart city infrastructure

Problems Solved:

  • Enhances signal processing efficiency in 5G millimeter wave communication.
  • Enables dual-band and dual-mode operation for improved connectivity.
  • Enhances the performance of wireless communication terminals.


  • Improved signal processing efficiency
  • Enhanced connectivity options
  • Better performance of wireless communication terminals

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include:

  • 5G network equipment manufacturers
  • Wireless communication device manufacturers
  • Telecommunication companies

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to this technology by researching patents and publications in the field of radio communication technology, specifically focusing on 5G millimeter wave mixers and wireless communication terminals.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest research in the field of 5G millimeter wave technology, dual-band dual-mode mixers, and wireless communication terminals to understand the evolving landscape of this technology.

Questions about 5G Millimeter Wave Dual-Band Dual-Mode Mixer and Wireless Communication Terminal: 1. What are the potential applications of this technology beyond wireless communication terminals? 2. How does this innovation contribute to the advancement of 5G millimeter wave communication technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

this invention, falling into the field of radio communication technology, discloses 5g millimeter wave dual-band dual-mode mixer and wireless communication terminal. in the said 5g millimeter wave dual-band dual-mode mixer, the first mosfet is connected to the source of the second mosfet and the third mosfet through its drain, with the first mosfet connected to the drain of the fourth mosfet through its drain. the second mosfet is connected to one end of the first capacitor through its gate, with the other end of the first capacitor connected to the drain of the third mosfet. the third mosfet is connected to one end of the second capacitor through its gate and the other end of the second capacitor is connected to the drain of the second mosfet.