US Patent Application 17847356. SECURING METRICS FOR A POD simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Alex John Hockey of London (GB)

James Warren Turner of London (GB)

SECURING METRICS FOR A POD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17847356 titled 'SECURING METRICS FOR A POD

Simplified Explanation

This patent application describes a method for securing metrics data in a container orchestration platform before transmitting it to a metrics collection service. Here are the key points:

  • The method involves receiving a secure request at a pod IP address and forwarding it to a container within the pod.
  • It also involves receiving an insecure request at the pod IP address and examining its content.
  • The content of the insecure request is analyzed to determine if it is requesting metrics information.
  • If the request is not for metrics information, it is passed to the original destination within the pod.
  • If the request is indeed for metrics information, it is rejected to ensure the security of the data.

Overall, this method ensures that only secure requests for metrics information are processed, providing enhanced security for the container orchestration platform.

Original Abstract Submitted

A computer-implemented method, data processing system and computer-readable medium for a pod of a container orchestration platform to secure metrics relating to the pod prior to transmission of metrics to a metrics collection service. The method comprising: receiving a secure request at a pod IP address and forwarding the request to a container of the pod; and receiving an insecure request at the pod IP address; examining the content of the received insecure request; from the examining, determining whether the received insecure request is requesting metrics information; if it was determined that the received insecure request does not request metrics information, passing the request to an original destination within the pod, and if it was determined that the received insecure request does request metrics information, rejecting the received insecure request.