Toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha (20240300438). VEHICLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha


Katsuya Shimazu of Toyota-shi (JP)

Mitsuyoshi Ohno of Miyoshi-shi (JP)

Kaname Tanaka of Toyota-shi (JP)

VEHICLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240300438 titled 'VEHICLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT DEVICE

Simplified Explanation:

This patent application describes a vehicle occupant restraint device that includes a seatbelt and an upper-body restraint airbag to restrain an occupant during a frontal collision.

  • The device includes a seatbelt that restrains the occupant on a vehicle seat.
  • An upper-body restraint airbag expands between the shoulder belt of the seatbelt and the chest region of the occupant to restrain at least the chest region during a frontal collision.
  • The airbag receives gas from an inflator to perform its restraining function effectively.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Combination of seatbelt and upper-body restraint airbag for enhanced occupant protection during frontal collisions.
  • Gas supply from an inflator ensures rapid deployment and effective restraint of the occupant's chest region.
  • Innovative design to improve overall safety in vehicles.

Potential Applications:

The technology can be applied in various vehicles, including cars, trucks, and buses, to enhance occupant safety during collisions.

Problems Solved:

  • Provides additional protection beyond traditional seatbelts.
  • Restrains the chest region of the occupant to reduce the risk of injury during frontal collisions.


  • Enhanced occupant safety.
  • Reduced risk of chest injuries.
  • Improved overall vehicle safety.

Commercial Applications:

The technology can be implemented by automotive manufacturers to enhance the safety features of their vehicles, potentially increasing consumer interest and market competitiveness.

Questions about Vehicle Occupant Restraint Device:

1. How does the upper-body restraint airbag differ from traditional airbags in vehicles? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in different types of vehicles?

Original Abstract Submitted

a vehicle occupant restraint device includes: a seatbelt configured to restrain an occupant on a vehicle seat, the occupant sitting in the vehicle seat; and an upper-body restraint air-bag configured to perform expanding spread between a shoulder belt of the seatbelt and a chest region of the occupant and to restrain at least the chest region of the occupant, by receiving supply of gas from an inflator, at a time of frontal collision of a vehicle.