Toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha (20240300350). BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha


Tatsuhiro Hashida of Aichi-ken (JP)

Ikuo Ando of Aichi-ken (JP)

Nanae Iwasaki of Aichi-ken (JP)

BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240300350 titled 'BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLE

The battery electric vehicle can switch between two charge modes based on the temperatures of the motors and inverters.

  • Power is supplied from an external power source device to a first neutral point of a first motor, which then supplies it to a power storage device via a first inverter in the first charge mode.
  • In the second charge mode, power is supplied from the external power source device to a second neutral point of a second motor, which then supplies it to the power storage device via a second inverter.
  • The selection of charge mode is based on the temperatures of the first and second motors, as well as the temperatures of the first and second inverters.

Potential Applications: - Electric vehicle charging systems - Battery management systems for electric vehicles

Problems Solved: - Efficient charging of electric vehicle batteries - Optimal utilization of power from external sources

Benefits: - Improved battery charging efficiency - Enhanced battery management for electric vehicles

Commercial Applications: Electric vehicle manufacturers can integrate this technology into their vehicles to optimize charging processes and improve overall battery performance.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the temperature of the motors and inverters affect the selection of charge mode? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology on the electric vehicle industry?

Original Abstract Submitted

the battery electric vehicle selects and executes a charge mode from a first charge mode in which power supplied from an external power source device to a first neutral point of a first motor is supplied to a power storage device via the first motor and a first inverter, and a second charge mode in which power supplied from the external power source device to a second neutral point of a second motor is supplied to the power storage device via the second motor and a second inverter, based on at least one of temperatures of the first and second motors and temperatures of the first and second inverters.