Toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha (20240257530). INFORMATION PROCESSING DEVICE AND METHOD simplified abstract

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Organization Name

toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha


Yuya Urayama of Nagoya-shi (JP)

INFORMATION PROCESSING DEVICE AND METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240257530 titled 'INFORMATION PROCESSING DEVICE AND METHOD

The patent application involves determining if a specific event has occurred based on an image captured by an in-vehicle camera, and then triggering a response in a second vehicle if the event is confirmed.

  • The technology uses image analysis to detect predetermined events in the vicinity of a vehicle.
  • A control unit in the information processing device can activate a response in a nearby vehicle, such as sounding its horn, upon confirming the event.
  • The control unit can also report the occurrence of the event to a designated destination.

Potential Applications: - Enhancing road safety by alerting nearby vehicles of potential hazards. - Improving communication between vehicles on the road. - Providing real-time information to authorities about incidents on the road.

Problems Solved: - Prompt response to critical events on the road. - Increased awareness and communication among drivers. - Efficient reporting of incidents to relevant parties.

Benefits: - Enhanced safety for drivers and passengers. - Reduced response time to emergencies. - Improved overall traffic management.

Commercial Applications: Title: "Smart Vehicle Communication System for Enhanced Road Safety" This technology can be utilized by automotive companies, transportation authorities, and fleet management companies to enhance safety measures on the road. It can also be integrated into smart city initiatives to improve traffic flow and incident management.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the system differentiate between various predetermined events captured in the image? - The system uses advanced image analysis algorithms to identify specific patterns or objects associated with different events. 2. Can the response triggered in the second vehicle be customized based on the type of event detected? - Yes, the control unit can be programmed to activate different responses depending on the nature of the event.

Original Abstract Submitted

determining whether a predetermined event has occurred based on a captured image including a predetermined location captured by an in-vehicle camera of one or more first vehicles; and determining that the predetermined event has occurred. the information processing device includes a control unit that, when determined, causes a second vehicle located around a predetermined location to sound its horn. when determining that a predetermined event has occurred, the control unit may report the occurrence of the predetermined event to a predetermined reporting destination.