Toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha (20240239315). VEHICLE STOP HOLDING DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha


Yuma Ito of Obu-shi (JP)

VEHICLE STOP HOLDING DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240239315 titled 'VEHICLE STOP HOLDING DEVICE

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a vehicle stop holding device that can hold a vehicle in a stopped position using a backup control system when the driver exits the vehicle. The system releases the brake when the driver both releases the seat belt and opens the door.

  • The device includes an electronic control unit (ECU) that initiates a backup control system to hold the vehicle in a stopped state using a brake holding device when the driver exits the vehicle.
  • The ECU sends a brake operation request to the driver and releases the brake when the driver both releases the seat belt and opens the door during a specific period.
  • This system ensures the vehicle remains stationary when the driver is not present, enhancing safety and preventing accidents.
  • The technology provides an automated solution for holding a vehicle in a stopped position without the driver present, improving convenience and security.
  • By integrating sensors to detect specific actions by the driver, the system can effectively manage the vehicle's stopped state.

Potential Applications: 1. Automotive industry for enhancing vehicle safety and security. 2. Fleet management systems for monitoring and controlling vehicle stops. 3. Autonomous vehicles for automated parking and holding functions.

Problems Solved: 1. Prevents unintended movement of a vehicle when the driver is not present. 2. Enhances safety by ensuring the vehicle remains stationary in various situations. 3. Improves convenience for drivers by automating the stopping process.

Benefits: 1. Increased safety for passengers and pedestrians. 2. Enhanced security against theft or unauthorized use. 3. Automated control for better management of vehicle stops.

Commercial Applications: "Automated Vehicle Stop Holding Device for Enhanced Safety and Security"

This technology can be utilized in various commercial applications such as: 1. Car rental companies for ensuring vehicles are securely stopped when unattended. 2. Parking management systems for automated control of parked vehicles. 3. Public transportation for improving passenger safety during stops.

Questions about Vehicle Stop Holding Device: 1. How does the backup control system work to hold the vehicle in a stopped state? 2. What are the specific sensors used to detect the driver's actions for releasing the brake?

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Original Abstract Submitted

a vehicle stop holding device for holding a stop of a vehicle includes a ecu for starting execution of a backup control for holding a stop state of the vehicle by a brake holding device when an operation of getting off the driver of the vehicle is detected while the vehicle is stopped by the brake device, and ecu outputs a brake operation request for requesting an operation of the brake device to the driver and releases the brake of the brake device when both a release operation of the seat belt by the driver of the vehicle and an opening operation which is an operation for opening the door are detected during a period from the start of the execution of the backup control until the completion of the completion.