Toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha (20240157938). DRIVING ASSISTANCE APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha


Yoshinari Toda of Nisshin-shi (JP)

DRIVING ASSISTANCE APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240157938 titled 'DRIVING ASSISTANCE APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The driving assistance apparatus described in the patent application includes a tollgate type determiner and a travel controller. The tollgate type determiner identifies whether a tollgate in front of a vehicle is a speed-limit tollgate based on the vehicle's position and map information. The travel controller adjusts the vehicle's speed accordingly, limiting it to the speed limit if passing through a speed-limit tollgate.

  • Tollgate type determiner determines if tollgate is speed-limit tollgate based on vehicle position and map information
  • Travel controller adjusts vehicle speed to match speed limit when passing through speed-limit tollgate

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in:

  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Fleet management systems

Problems Solved

This technology helps in:

  • Ensuring compliance with speed limits at tollgates
  • Improving road safety by controlling vehicle speed in specific areas


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Preventing speeding violations
  • Enhancing overall driving safety

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology could be used in:

  • Car manufacturers
  • Transportation companies

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be:

  • Adaptive cruise control systems

Unanswered Questions

How does the tollgate type determiner differentiate between different types of tollgates?

The tollgate type determiner uses positional information and map data to identify speed-limit tollgates, but the specific criteria for this determination are not detailed in the abstract.

What happens if the tollgate type determiner makes an incorrect determination?

If the tollgate type determiner incorrectly identifies a tollgate as a speed-limit tollgate when it is not, the travel controller may unnecessarily limit the vehicle's speed, potentially causing traffic congestion or delays.

Original Abstract Submitted

a driving assistance apparatus includes a tollgate type determiner and a travel controller. the tollgate type determiner determines whether or not a tollgate present in front of a vehicle is a speed-limit tollgate, on the basis of positional information on the vehicle and map information. the travel controller controls a travel speed of the vehicle in accordance with the result of determination by the tollgate type determiner. when the tollgate is the speed-limit tollgate, the travel controller performs speed-limiting control such that, while passing through the tollgate, the vehicle has the travel speed limited not more than a speed limit for the speed-limit tollgate. when the tollgate is not the speed-limit tollgate, the travel controller does not perform the speed-limiting control.