The Trustees of Boston College (20240296906). Artificial selection approach for improving secondary microbial functions using a partner organism simplified abstract

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Artificial selection approach for improving secondary microbial functions using a partner organism

Organization Name

The Trustees of Boston College


Babak Momeni of Cambridge MA (US)

Marco Zaccaria of Malden MA (US)

Natalie Sandlin of Watertown MA (US)

Artificial selection approach for improving secondary microbial functions using a partner organism - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240296906 titled 'Artificial selection approach for improving secondary microbial functions using a partner organism

The partner-assisted artificial selection (PAAS) approach involves using an assisting population to create feedback from the function of interest to the fitness of the producer. This method leads to improved growth and degradation performance, even in the presence of stochasticity.

  • PAAS approach involves an assisting population to create feedback from the function of interest to the fitness of the producer.
  • Selection for improved growth in PAAS leads to improved degradation performance.
  • PAAS successfully evolves improved functions of interest such as detoxification of harmful compounds.

Potential Applications: - Environmental remediation - Agricultural improvement - Bioremediation processes

Problems Solved: - Enhancing growth and degradation performance - Improving detoxification processes - Managing stochasticity in selection processes

Benefits: - Increased efficiency in function improvement - Enhanced environmental sustainability - Better adaptation to changing conditions

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Environmental Remediation Technology" This technology can be used in industries such as agriculture, bioremediation, and waste management to improve processes and outcomes, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.

Questions about Partner-Assisted Artificial Selection: 1. How does the PAAS approach differ from traditional artificial selection methods? The PAAS approach involves using an assisting population to create feedback, leading to improved performance, while traditional methods rely solely on direct selection by the producer.

2. What are the long-term implications of implementing PAAS in various industries? Implementing PAAS can lead to sustainable practices, improved product quality, and better adaptation to changing environmental conditions, making it a valuable tool for long-term success.

Original Abstract Submitted

a partner-assisted artificial selection (paas) approach, in which an assisting population acts as an intermediate to create feedback from the function of interest to the fitness of the producer. the selection for improved growth in this approach successfully leads to improved degradation performance, even in the presence of other sources of stochasticity. successful implementation of paas evolves improved functions of interest such as detoxification of harmful compounds.