Texas instruments incorporated (20240313751). ECG INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

texas instruments incorporated


Sachin Aithal of Bangalore (IN)

Anand H Udupa of Bangalore (IN)

Raja Reddy Patukuri of Bengaluru (IN)

Sandeep Oswal of Bangalore (IN)

Aatish Chandak of Bangalore (IN)

Vignesh Subramanya of Bangalore (IN)

Aravind Miriyala of Bangalore (IN)

ECG INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240313751 titled 'ECG INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION

The circuit described in the abstract consists of an interference frequency tracking circuit, a PLI synthesizer circuit, and a summing circuit. The interference frequency tracking circuit tracks the frequency of an interference signal derived from a target signal and provides a frequency selection value representing the interference signal's frequency. The PLI synthesizer circuit generates a correction signal at the interference signal's frequency, adjusts the phase and amplitude of the correction signal to match those of the interference signal in the target signal. The summing circuit subtracts the correction signal from the target signal.

  • Interference frequency tracking circuit tracks interference signal frequency
  • PLI synthesizer circuit generates correction signal at interference signal frequency
  • PLI synthesizer circuit adjusts phase and amplitude of correction signal to match interference signal in target signal
  • Summing circuit subtracts correction signal from target signal

Potential Applications: - Signal processing systems - Communication devices - Radar systems

Problems Solved: - Minimizing interference in target signals - Improving signal quality

Benefits: - Enhanced signal accuracy - Reduced interference - Improved overall system performance

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Signal Processing Circuit for Interference Reduction This technology can be used in various industries such as telecommunications, aerospace, and defense for improving signal quality and reducing interference in communication systems, radar systems, and other electronic devices.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the interference frequency tracking circuit determine the frequency of the interference signal? 2. What are the potential implications of using the PLI synthesizer circuit in signal processing systems?

Original Abstract Submitted

a circuit includes an interference frequency tracking circuit, a pli synthesizer circuit, and a summing circuit. the interference frequency tracking circuit is configured to track a frequency of an interference signal derived from a target signal, and provide a frequency selection value representing the frequency of the interference signal. the pli synthesizer circuit is configured to generate, based on the frequency selection value, a correction signal at the frequency of the interference signal, adjust a phase of the correction signal to match a phase of the interference signal in the target signal, and adjust an amplitude of the correction signal to match an amplitude of the interference signal in the target signal. the summing circuit is configured to subtract the correction signal from the target signal.