Tagmix Limited (20240223839). Event Source Content and Remote Content Synchronization simplified abstract

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Event Source Content and Remote Content Synchronization

Organization Name

Tagmix Limited


Andy Dean of London (GB)

Event Source Content and Remote Content Synchronization - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240223839 titled 'Event Source Content and Remote Content Synchronization

Simplified Explanation: This patent application describes a method for replacing low-quality audio content with better-quality audio content in media content that includes both the low-quality audio content and video content. The low-quality audio content can be substituted with a portion of the better-quality audio content, which is compiled with the video content. The method includes compensating for timing misalignment, obtaining fingerprint data for the audio content using hash values of spectrogram frequency peaks, and extracting feature vectors to reduce the search size of stored instances of audio content.

  • **Compensation for timing misalignment between low-quality and better-quality audio content**
  • **Obtaining fingerprint data for audio content using hash values of spectrogram frequency peaks**
  • **Extracting feature vectors from audio content to reduce search size of stored instances**

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in various fields such as audio enhancement in video production, audio restoration in historical recordings, and improving sound quality in live broadcasts.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the issue of low-quality audio content in media by seamlessly replacing it with better-quality audio, improving the overall audio-visual experience for the audience.

Benefits: The benefits of this technology include enhanced audio quality, improved synchronization between audio and video, and a more immersive media experience for viewers.

Commercial Applications:

  • Title: Enhanced Audio Replacement Technology for Media Production*

This technology can be utilized in film and television production, music industry for remastering old recordings, and live event broadcasting to enhance audio quality and viewer satisfaction.

Prior Art: There may be prior art related to audio enhancement technologies, audio fingerprinting methods, and audio-visual synchronization techniques that could be relevant to this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers in the field of audio signal processing and multimedia technology may be conducting studies on improving audio quality in media content and developing innovative methods for audio replacement.

Questions about Audio Replacement Technology: 1. How does this technology handle timing misalignment between low-quality and better-quality audio content? 2. What are the key factors considered in obtaining fingerprint data for audio content in this method?

Original Abstract Submitted

a method of replacing low-quality audio content by better-quality audio content in media content comprising the low-quality audio content and video content. the low-quality audio content can be replaced with a received portion of the better-quality audio content by compiling the received portion of the audio content with the video content. included is any of: compensating for an amount of timing misalignment between the low-quality audio content and the received portion of audio content; obtaining fingerprint data for the audio content of the media content by using hash values of spectrogram frequency peaks; and obtaining one or more feature vectors from the audio content of the media content to reduce a size of a search of stored instances of audio content.