TOSHIBA TEC KABUSHIKI KAISHA patent applications published on September 26th, 2024

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Summary of the patent applications from TOSHIBA TEC KABUSHIKI KAISHA on September 26th, 2024

    • Summary**:

TOSHIBA TEC KABUSHIKI KAISHA has recently filed patents for innovative technologies in the field of self-service point-of-sale terminals, store management systems, and image processing apparatus. These patents aim to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and improve efficiency in various commercial settings.

    • Key Points of Patents**:

- Self-Service Point-of-Sale Terminal: Features two display units, one facing the customer and the other capturing customer actions via a camera. - Store Management System: Utilizes electronic shelf labels to display item information and improve inventory management. - Image Processing Apparatus: Automatically rotates images to fit the printing width of the medium.

    • Notable Applications**:

- Self-Service Point-of-Sale Terminal: Retail stores, fast-food restaurants, and entertainment venues for automated transactions. - Store Management System: Retail chains, supermarkets, and warehouses for efficient inventory management. - Image Processing Apparatus: Printing industry and graphic design software for optimizing image printing.