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Organization Name



Artur Izmaylov of Toronto (CA)

Abhinav Anand of Toronto (CA)

Jakob Kottmann of Toronto (CA)

Alan Aspuru-guzik of Toronto (CA)

Robert Lang of Toronto (CA)

Tzu-ching Yen of Taichung (TW)

OPERATOR IMPLEMENTATIONS FOR QUANTUM COMPUTATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240281693 titled 'OPERATOR IMPLEMENTATIONS FOR QUANTUM COMPUTATION

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method and system for generating n-fold fermionic excitations using a quantum computer. By combining differentiable operators, a quantum circuit can repeatedly execute operations to implement the desired unitary generated by a fermionic excitation operator.

  • Linear combination of directly differentiable operators on a quantum computer
  • Generation of computer-readable data for executing operations on a quantum computer
  • Implementation of fermionic n-fold excitation operator using a quantum circuit
  • Evaluation of gradients for arbitrary expectation values involving the unitary operation
  • Construction of fermionic shift operations through the original unitary and nullspace projector

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in quantum computing, specifically in the field of fermionic excitations and quantum circuit design. It may have implications for quantum simulations, quantum chemistry, and other areas requiring complex quantum operations.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the challenge of efficiently generating and implementing n-fold fermionic excitations on a quantum computer. It provides a method for evaluating gradients and performing operations involving fermionic operators, which can be beneficial for various quantum computing applications.


- Improved efficiency in generating fermionic excitations - Enhanced capabilities for quantum simulations and quantum chemistry - Potential for advancements in quantum computing research and applications

Commercial Applications

Title: Quantum Computing for Fermionic Excitations This technology could be commercially utilized in quantum computing research labs, quantum software development companies, and industries requiring advanced quantum computing solutions. It may open up new possibilities for quantum algorithm development and optimization.

Prior Art

Readers interested in prior art related to this technology may explore research papers, patents, and publications in the field of quantum computing, fermionic excitations, and quantum circuit design.

Frequently Updated Research

Researchers in the field of quantum computing are constantly exploring new methods and techniques for improving quantum operations, including the generation of fermionic excitations. Stay updated on the latest advancements in quantum computing research to discover potential enhancements to this technology.

Questions about Quantum Computing for Fermionic Excitations

How does this technology contribute to the advancement of quantum computing research?

This technology enables the efficient generation and implementation of n-fold fermionic excitations, which can lead to breakthroughs in quantum simulations, quantum chemistry, and other quantum computing applications.

What are the potential implications of this technology for industries outside of quantum computing?

While primarily focused on quantum computing applications, this technology may have broader implications for industries requiring advanced computational solutions, such as pharmaceutical research, materials science, and cryptography.

Original Abstract Submitted

a computer-implemented method and system for implementing a n-fold fermionic excitation generator using linear combination of directly differentiable operators on a quantum computer. computer-readable data is generated and stored which when executed on the quantum computer, causes a quantum circuit of the quantum computer to execute repeatedly to perform a sequence of operations that implements the unitary (i) generated by a fermionic n-fold excitation operator g. the gradient with respect to the angle � of arbitrary expectation values involving the unitary operation can, in the general case, be evaluated by four expectation values obtained from replacing the corresponding unitary with fermionic shift operations (ii). fermionic shift operations can be constructed through the original unitary and unitary operations generated by the nullspace projector pof the fermionic excitation generator. other operators and generators are disclosed.