TDK Electronics AG (20240262035). 3D Printer For Additive Manufacturing Of A Component And Printing Method simplified abstract

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3D Printer For Additive Manufacturing Of A Component And Printing Method

Organization Name

TDK Electronics AG


Thomas Lenzen of Graz (AT)

Reinhard Neureiter of München (DE)

Christoph Recher of Frauental (AT)

3D Printer For Additive Manufacturing Of A Component And Printing Method - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240262035 titled '3D Printer For Additive Manufacturing Of A Component And Printing Method

Simplified Explanation:

The abstract describes a 3D printer that can additively manufacture a multilayer component using different raw materials. The printer includes dispensers for the raw materials, a manufacturing unit for adding layers to the component, recovery devices for unused raw materials, and a conveyor belt for transporting materials.

  • The 3D printer can additively manufacture multilayer components using different raw materials.
  • It includes dispensers, a manufacturing unit, recovery devices, and a conveyor belt for material transport.
  • The recovery devices selectively recover unused raw materials for reuse.
  • The conveyor belt facilitates the movement of materials within the printer.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Additive manufacturing of multilayer components with different raw materials.
  • Efficient use of raw materials through recovery and reuse.
  • Continuous material transport using a conveyor belt.

Potential Applications:

  • Customized manufacturing of complex multilayer components.
  • Prototyping and small-scale production in various industries.
  • Research and development for material testing and innovation.

Problems Solved:

  • Waste reduction in additive manufacturing processes.
  • Enhanced material utilization and cost-effectiveness.
  • Streamlined production of multilayer components.


  • Cost savings through material recovery and reuse.
  • Increased efficiency in additive manufacturing.
  • Flexibility in material selection for diverse applications.

Commercial Applications:

3D Printing Technology for Multilayer Component Manufacturing

Questions about 3D Printing Technology for Multilayer Component Manufacturing:

1. How does the recovery process work in the 3D printer for unused raw materials? 2. What industries can benefit the most from this innovative 3D printing technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

a 3d printer for additively manufacturing a multilayer component. the 3d printer includes at least two separate dispensers coating a conveyor belt with respectively different raw material, a manufacturing unit in which at least part of the raw material is added to the component as a new layer, at least two separate recovery devices for selectively recovering the respectively different raw material, which is not consumed when a layer is added to the component, and for returning the raw material to the respective associated dispenser, and conveyor belt that transports the raw material from the dispenser to the manufacturing unit and further to the recovery device in the lateral direction.