Sony group corporation (20240278422). MOVING APPARATUS AND MOVING APPARATUS CONTROL METHOD simplified abstract

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Organization Name

sony group corporation


ATSUSHI Sakamoto of TOKYO (JP)


MOVING APPARATUS AND MOVING APPARATUS CONTROL METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240278422 titled 'MOVING APPARATUS AND MOVING APPARATUS CONTROL METHOD

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a system where a robot can store suitable postures based on the shape of the surface it is traveling on, retrieve this information to stop, and then adjust its posture to match the surface for a controlled stop.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Storage of suitable postures based on traveling surface shape
  • Analysis of stop postures for walking robots
  • Evaluation of stop postures based on surface shape
  • Selection of the best stop posture for a given surface shape
  • Posture control to match the selected stop posture for a controlled stop

Potential Applications: This technology could be applied in robotics, automation, and autonomous vehicles to improve stopping precision and efficiency.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the challenge of stopping robots on various surfaces with different shapes effectively and safely.


  • Enhanced control and precision in stopping robots
  • Improved safety and efficiency in robotic operations
  • Adaptability to different surface shapes for optimized performance

Commercial Applications: The technology could be utilized in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and transportation for automated systems that require precise stopping capabilities.

Prior Art: Prior research in the field of robotics and automation may have explored similar concepts of posture control for robots on different surfaces.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers may be exploring advancements in posture control algorithms and surface recognition technologies to enhance the capabilities of robots in various environments.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the system determine the most suitable stop posture for a given surface shape? 2. What are the potential limitations of this technology in real-world applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

a suitable posture according to a shape of a traveling surface of a robot can be stored in a storage, the suitable posture according to the shape of the traveling surface can be acquired from the storage when the robot is to be stopped, and posture control can be performed to stop the robot. a suitable stop posture analyzer that analyzes the suitable stop posture of a walking robot executes processing of analyzing the shape of the traveling surface of the walking robot, stop posture analysis processing of analyzing stop postures according to the shape of the traveling surface, stop posture evaluation value calculation processing of calculating evaluation values of the stop postures, and processing of recording, in the storage, a stop posture having a highest evaluation value among the stop postures according to the traveling surface shape. furthermore, a stop control unit acquires the suitable stop posture corresponding to a traveling surface shape clustering group from the storage, and performs posture control to match a posture of the robot to the suitable stop posture and stop the robot.