Sony Group Corporation (20240276186). CONTROLLING ELECTRONIC DEVICES BY AERIAL VEHICLES simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Sony Group Corporation


Peter Exner of Malmö (SE)

Hannes Bergkvist of Rydeback (SE)

CONTROLLING ELECTRONIC DEVICES BY AERIAL VEHICLES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240276186 titled 'CONTROLLING ELECTRONIC DEVICES BY AERIAL VEHICLES

The abstract describes an electronic device that uses a sensor arrangement, a control system, and a microphone to detect audio characteristic features related to the operating parameters of a propulsion system in an aerial vehicle.

  • The electronic device processes audio signals from the microphone to detect specific audio characteristic features (ACF) representing the propulsion system's operating parameters.
  • Upon detecting the ACF, the device takes dedicated actions related to the sensor data, such as obtaining or transmitting part of the data.
  • The aerial vehicle, intermittently while on a flight path, modifies the propulsion system's operating parameters to generate sound waves that include the ACF.

Potential Applications: - Monitoring and optimizing the performance of propulsion systems in aerial vehicles. - Enhancing the control and efficiency of aerial vehicle operations. - Implementing real-time adjustments based on audio characteristic features.

Problems Solved: - Efficient detection and analysis of propulsion system operating parameters. - Integration of audio signals for improved monitoring and control in aerial vehicles.

Benefits: - Enhanced safety and performance in aerial vehicle operations. - Real-time feedback and adjustments for optimal propulsion system functioning. - Improved data collection and analysis for maintenance and optimization.

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Propulsion System Monitoring Technology for Aerial Vehicles" This technology can be utilized in the aerospace industry for drone operations, military aircraft, commercial airlines, and other aerial vehicle applications. It offers a cutting-edge solution for monitoring and optimizing propulsion systems, leading to improved efficiency and safety in flight operations.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this technology improve the overall performance of aerial vehicles? 2. What are the potential cost-saving benefits for companies implementing this propulsion system monitoring technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

an electronic device comprises a sensor arrangement, a control system operable to obtain sensor data from the sensor arrangement, and a microphone configured to provide an audio signal representing sound waves received by the microphone. the control system processes () the audio signal for detection of an audio characteristic feature, acf, representing an operating parameter of a propulsion system in an aerial vehicle, and, upon said detection, performs () a dedicated action related to the sensor data. the dedicated action may comprise obtaining and/or transmitting at least part of the sensor data. to control the electronic device, the aerial vehicle is configured to, intermittently while on a flight path, cause its propulsion system () to impart a predefined and audible modification of an operating parameter of the propulsion system () to thereby generate sound waves that include the acf.