Sony Group Corporation (20240272867). COGNITIVE AID FOR AUDIO BOOKS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Sony Group Corporation


Brant Candelore of Poway CA (US)

COGNITIVE AID FOR AUDIO BOOKS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240272867 titled 'COGNITIVE AID FOR AUDIO BOOKS

Abstract: Cognitive aids for various aspects of an audio book may be provided to aid an end-user in following the book's characters and plot and to remind the end-user about prior aspects of the audio book. In some specific examples, the aid may be requested audibly, and the plot data and/or other data may be presented audibly.

  • Simplified Explanation:

The patent application discusses the provision of cognitive aids for audio books to assist users in following the characters and plot, as well as recalling previous aspects of the book.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Cognitive aids provided for audio books - Assistance in following characters and plot - Audible reminders for prior aspects of the book

  • Potential Applications:

- Enhanced user experience for audio book listeners - Improved comprehension of complex plots - Assistance for individuals with memory issues

  • Problems Solved:

- Difficulty in keeping track of characters and plot in audio books - Forgetting important details from earlier parts of the book - Challenges in following complex narratives

  • Benefits:

- Improved engagement with audio books - Enhanced retention of plot details - Increased accessibility for users with cognitive impairments

  • Commercial Applications:

Title: Cognitive Aid Technology for Audio Books Potential commercial uses include audiobook platforms, educational institutions, and assistive technology companies. This technology could have market implications for the entertainment industry and the healthcare sector.

  • Questions about Cognitive Aid Technology for Audio Books:

1. How does this technology improve the overall listening experience for users? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology for individuals with cognitive impairments?

  • Frequently Updated Research:

There may be ongoing research on the effectiveness of cognitive aids in audio books for different user demographics, as well as advancements in audio book technology to enhance user experience.

Original Abstract Submitted

cognitive aids for various aspects of an audio book may be provided to aid an end-user in following the book's characters and plot and to remind the end-user about prior aspects of the audio book. in some specific examples, the aid may be requested audibly, and the plot data and/or other data may be presented audibly.