Snap inc. (20240203072). DYNAMIC AUGMENTED REALITY EXPERIENCE simplified abstract

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snap inc.


Jonathan Solichin of Arcadia CA (US)

DYNAMIC AUGMENTED REALITY EXPERIENCE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240203072 titled 'DYNAMIC AUGMENTED REALITY EXPERIENCE

The abstract describes an augmented reality (AR) system that generates AR experiences in real-time. The system receives AR experience selections from an application on a computer device, displays textual cues associated with the AR experience, receives image data corresponding to the textual cues, generates AR objects, and displays them on the computer device.

  • AR system for real-time AR experiences
  • Receives AR experience selections from an application
  • Displays textual cues associated with the AR experience
  • Generates AR objects based on textual cues and image data
  • Displays AR objects on the computer device

Potential Applications: - Entertainment industry for interactive experiences - Education for immersive learning environments - Retail for virtual try-on experiences

Problems Solved: - Enhances user engagement with AR technology - Provides real-time AR experiences - Improves user interaction with digital content

Benefits: - Enhanced user experience - Increased interactivity - Real-time generation of AR objects

Commercial Applications: Augmented reality gaming, virtual tours, interactive advertising

Questions about AR technology: 1. How does the AR system receive and process image data? 2. What are the potential limitations of real-time AR experiences?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in AR technology for improved user experiences.

Original Abstract Submitted

systems and methods describe an augmented reality (ar) system for generating ar experiences in real-time. the ar experience system receives a selection of an ar experience from an application running on a computer device, displays a first set of textual cues associated with the ar experience on the computer device, receives a first set of image data corresponding to the first set of textual cues, generates a first ar object associated with the ar experience, displays the first ar object on the computer device and a second set of textual cues associated with the ar experience, receives a second set of image data corresponding to the second set of textual cues, and generates a second ar object associated with the ar experience.