Snap Inc. (20240305691). ANALYZING AUGMENTED REALITY CONTENT USAGE DATA simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Snap Inc.


Jean Luo of Seattle WA (US)

Celia Nicole Mourkogiannis of Los Angeles CA (US)

ANALYZING AUGMENTED REALITY CONTENT USAGE DATA - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240305691 titled 'ANALYZING AUGMENTED REALITY CONTENT USAGE DATA

The abstract describes a patent application for generating user interfaces that track interactions with augmented reality content, collecting usage metrics, analyzing user characteristics, and presenting data via a dashboard accessible to content creators.

  • Simplified Explanation:

User interfaces are created to track interactions with augmented reality content, collect usage data, analyze user characteristics, and present information to content creators.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Generation of user interfaces for tracking augmented reality content interactions - Collection and analysis of usage metrics - Generation of user characteristics for users interacting with augmented reality content - Presentation of data via a dashboard for content creators

  • Potential Applications:

- Augmented reality content development - User behavior analysis in augmented reality environments - Content optimization based on user characteristics

  • Problems Solved:

- Lack of tools to track user interactions with augmented reality content - Limited understanding of user behavior in augmented reality environments - Inefficient content optimization processes

  • Benefits:

- Improved tracking and monitoring of user interactions - Enhanced understanding of user behavior in augmented reality - Streamlined content optimization based on user characteristics

  • Commercial Applications:

"Augmented Reality Content Analytics Platform: Enhancing User Engagement and Content Optimization"

  • Questions about Augmented Reality Content Tracking:

1. How does the user interface track interactions with augmented reality content? 2. What are the benefits of analyzing user characteristics in augmented reality environments?

1. A relevant generic question not answered by the article, with a detailed answer: How can the data collected from user interactions with augmented reality content be used to improve content creation and optimization? The data collected from user interactions can provide valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and engagement levels, allowing content creators to tailor their content to better meet the needs and interests of their audience. By analyzing this data, creators can optimize their content to enhance user engagement and overall user experience.

2. Another relevant generic question, with a detailed answer: What are the potential challenges in implementing user interface elements for tracking augmented reality content interactions? Some potential challenges in implementing user interface elements for tracking augmented reality content interactions include ensuring seamless integration with existing applications, maintaining data privacy and security, and accurately interpreting user behavior data to make informed decisions for content optimization. Additionally, user interface design considerations such as usability and accessibility must be taken into account to provide a seamless and intuitive experience for users interacting with augmented reality content.

Original Abstract Submitted

in one or more implementations, user interfaces may be generated that include user interface elements that enable the tracking or monitoring of interactions with augmented reality content by users of a client application. usage metrics for augmented reality content may be collected and analyzed. in addition, information about client application users that interact with augmented reality content may be generated. in one or more examples, characteristics of users of the client application that interact with one or more augmented reality content items may be analyzed to determine a user characterization for one or more augmented reality content items. the usage metrics and user characterizations for augmented reality content items may be presented via a dashboard that is accessible to creators of augmented reality content.