Snap Inc. (20240298138). LOW LATENCY, LOW POWER MULTI-CHANNEL AUDIO PROCESSING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Snap Inc.


Ashwani Arya of Cypress CA (US)

Tejas Bahulkar of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Daniel Harris of San Francisco CA (US)

Daniel C. Wiggins of Port Hueneme CA (US)

LOW LATENCY, LOW POWER MULTI-CHANNEL AUDIO PROCESSING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240298138 titled 'LOW LATENCY, LOW POWER MULTI-CHANNEL AUDIO PROCESSING

The patent application describes an electronic eyewear device that can display augmented reality objects and associated sounds in the user's view.

  • The device includes a display and a speaker system for presenting augmented reality objects and sounds.
  • A processor encodes audio tracks associated with augmented reality objects into an aggregated audio track.
  • The aggregated audio track includes headers for each audio track and an aggregate header identifying the number of tracks.
  • An audio processor separates and processes the audio tracks independently in parallel.
  • The processed audio tracks are then presented with the augmented reality objects through the speaker system.

Potential Applications: - Augmented reality gaming - Virtual tours and navigation - Interactive educational experiences

Problems Solved: - Enhancing user experience in augmented reality environments - Providing immersive audio-visual interactions

Benefits: - Improved realism in augmented reality experiences - Enhanced audio-visual synchronization

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhancing Augmented Reality Experiences with Audio Integration" This technology could be utilized in gaming, tourism, education, and entertainment industries to create more engaging and interactive experiences for users.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the device ensure seamless integration of audio with augmented reality visuals? - The device uses a processor to encode and process audio tracks in parallel with the augmented reality objects, ensuring synchronization. 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology on a large scale? - Challenges may include optimizing audio processing for various environments and ensuring compatibility with different augmented reality platforms.

Original Abstract Submitted

an electronic eyewear device includes a display and a speaker system adapted to present augment reality objects and associated sounds in a scene being viewed by the user. a processor receives one or more audio tracks respectively associated with one or more augmented reality objects, encodes the audio tracks into an aggregated audio track including the audio tracks, a header for each audio track that uniquely identifies each respective audio track, and an aggregate header that identifies the number of tracks in the aggregated audio track. the processor transfers the aggregated audio track to an audio processor that uses the header for each audio track and the aggregate header to separate the audio tracks from the aggregated audio track. the audio processor processes the audio tracks independently in parallel and provides the audio tracks to the speaker system for presentation with the augmented reality objects.