Seiko epson corporation (20240250662). Vibrator Device simplified abstract

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Vibrator Device

Organization Name

seiko epson corporation


Atsushi Tanaka of Minowa (JP)

Vibrator Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240250662 titled 'Vibrator Device

Simplified Explanation:

This patent application describes a vibrator device that includes a circuit device with various components to drive the vibrator, compensate for temperature changes, and adjust for transient responses.

  • The device includes a vibrator and a circuit device with a drive circuit, temperature sensor, temperature compensation circuit, heat source circuit, and transient response compensation circuit.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Drive circuit to operate the vibrator.
  • Temperature sensor to detect temperature changes.
  • Temperature compensation circuit to adjust for temperature variations.
  • Heat source circuit with different current consumption states.
  • Transient response compensation circuit to manage temperature changes during circuit state switches.

Potential Applications:

The technology can be applied in various vibrating devices such as sex toys, massage devices, and alert systems where temperature compensation and transient response management are crucial.

Problems Solved:

The device addresses issues related to temperature variations affecting the drive state of the vibrator and transient responses during circuit state switches.


  • Improved performance and reliability of vibrating devices.
  • Enhanced user experience with consistent vibration levels.
  • Energy efficiency with optimized current consumption.

Commercial Applications:

Potential commercial applications include the adult toy industry, medical devices, and industrial equipment where precise vibration control is essential for operation.

Prior Art:

Readers can explore prior patents related to temperature-compensated vibrating devices and transient response management in electronic circuits to understand the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research:

Researchers may find updated studies on temperature compensation techniques in vibrating devices and advancements in transient response control in electronic circuits.

Questions about Vibrator Device Technology:

1. How does the temperature compensation circuit in the vibrator device work? 2. What are the potential commercial implications of this technology in different industries?

Original Abstract Submitted

a vibrator device includes: a vibrator; and a circuit device disposed apart from the vibrator, in which the circuit device includes a drive circuit configured to drive the vibrator, a temperature sensor configured to generate a temperature signal corresponding to a detected temperature, a temperature compensation circuit configured to compensate for temperature characteristics of a drive state of the vibrator based on the temperature signal, a heat source circuit configured to operate in a first state or in a second state in which current consumption is different from current consumption in the first state, and a transient response compensation circuit configured to compensate for, when the first state and the second state of the heat source circuit are switched, a difference between a transient response of a temperature detected by the temperature sensor and a transient response of a temperature of the vibrator.