Samsung electronics co., ltd. (20240282795). IMAGE SENSOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung electronics co., ltd.


Sungho Cha of Suwon-si (KR)

Kundong Kim of Suwon-si (KR)

Yongkoo Park of Suwon-si (KR)

Suhyun Jo of Suwon-si (KR)

Jaehyuk Hur of Suwon-si (KR)

IMAGE SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240282795 titled 'IMAGE SENSOR

The patent application describes an image sensor with a pixel array and a nano-condensing lens array. Each condensing area in the lens array corresponds to a pixel and contains at least one nanostructure that condenses light onto the pixel. The condensing capability of the nanostructure varies based on its distance from the center of the lens array.

  • Pixel array with a plurality of pixels arranged
  • Nano-condensing lens array with condensing areas corresponding to pixels
  • Nanostructures in condensing areas condense light onto pixels
  • Varying condensing capability based on distance from the center of the lens array
  • Enhanced light condensing efficiency for improved image quality

Potential Applications: - High-resolution cameras - Medical imaging devices - Surveillance systems - Scientific instruments - Satellite imaging technology

Problems Solved: - Improved light condensing efficiency - Enhanced image quality - Better performance in low-light conditions

Benefits: - Sharper and clearer images - Enhanced sensitivity in low-light environments - Improved overall image sensor performance

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Image Sensors with Nano-Condensing Lens Arrays This technology can be utilized in the development of high-quality cameras for various industries such as photography, healthcare, security, research, and satellite imaging. The improved light condensing efficiency and enhanced image quality make it a valuable innovation for companies looking to enhance their imaging products.

Questions about Image Sensors with Nano-Condensing Lens Arrays: 1. How does the nanostructure in the condensing areas improve light condensing efficiency? 2. What are the potential commercial applications of this technology in the healthcare industry?

Original Abstract Submitted

an image sensor including a pixel array in which a plurality of pixels are arranged, and a nano-condensing lens array including a plurality of condensing areas respectively corresponding to the plurality of pixels. each of the plurality of condensing areas includes at least one nanostructure that condenses light on a corresponding pixel among the plurality of pixels, and the at least one nanostructure is arranged in each of the plurality of condensing areas such that a condensing capability of the at least one nanostructure included in each of the plurality of condensing areas varies according to a distance from a center of the nano-condensing lens array to each of the plurality of condensing areas.