Samsung electronics co., ltd. (20240234452). IMAGE SENSOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung electronics co., ltd.


Jung Wook Lim of Suwon-si (KR)

IMAGE SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240234452 titled 'IMAGE SENSOR

The image sensor described in the patent application consists of sub-pixels with photoelectric conversion regions, floating diffusion regions, and transfer transistors to move charges within the sensor.

  • The first sub-pixel includes a first photoelectric conversion region, a first floating diffusion region, and a first transfer transistor.
  • The second sub-pixel, adjacent to the first, contains a second photoelectric conversion region, a second floating diffusion region, and a second transfer transistor.
  • The first photoelectric conversion region can be divided into two sub-regions by a potential level isolation region, with corresponding sub-transfer transistors to transfer charges to the floating diffusion region.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in digital cameras, smartphones, and other devices with image sensors. - It can improve the quality and performance of image capture in various lighting conditions.

Problems Solved: - Enhances the efficiency and accuracy of transferring charges within the image sensor. - Helps in reducing noise and improving image quality.

Benefits: - Higher quality images with improved color accuracy and sharpness. - Enhanced performance in low-light conditions. - Overall better user experience with image capturing devices.

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Image Sensor Technology for Enhanced Photography This technology can be utilized in the development of next-generation smartphones, digital cameras, surveillance systems, and medical imaging devices. It can cater to a wide range of industries, including photography, healthcare, security, and more.

Questions about Image Sensor Technology: 1. How does this technology improve image quality in low-light conditions?

  - This technology enhances the sensitivity of the image sensor, allowing for better performance in low-light environments.

2. What are the potential implications of this innovation in the smartphone industry?

  - This innovation could lead to smartphones with superior camera capabilities, attracting photography enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Original Abstract Submitted

an image sensor comprises a first sub-pixel comprising a first photoelectric conversion region, a first floating diffusion region, and a first transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the first photoelectric conversion region to the first floating diffusion region; and a second sub-pixel adjacent to the first sub-pixel, and comprising a second photoelectric conversion region, a second floating diffusion region, and a second transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the second photoelectric conversion region to the second floating diffusion region. the first photoelectric conversion region may comprise a first and a second sub-region partitioned by a potential level isolation region that blocks movement of charges, and the first transfer transistor may comprise a first sub-transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the first sub-region to the first floating diffusion region, and a second sub-transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the second sub-region to the first floating diffusion region.