Samsung display co., ltd. (20240324432). DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


Yoonki Hong of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240324432 titled 'DISPLAY APPARATUS

The display apparatus described in the patent application consists of multiple layers and components that work together to create a functional display system.

  • The apparatus includes a first substrate, a display layer with multiple pixels, a second substrate, a first adhesive layer, a main flexible circuit board, a plate portion, a second adhesive layer, and a touch flexible circuit board.
  • The main flexible circuit board is fixed to the first substrate and the first adhesive layer, while the touch flexible circuit board is fixed to the second substrate and the second adhesive layer.
  • The first adhesive layer has an exposed region that overlaps with the plate portion, providing structural support and stability to the display apparatus.

Potential Applications:

  • This technology can be used in various display devices such as smartphones, tablets, and monitors.
  • It can also be applied in automotive displays, wearable technology, and other electronic devices requiring a display screen.

Problems Solved:

  • Provides a stable and secure structure for display layers and circuit boards.
  • Ensures proper alignment and connection of components in the display apparatus.


  • Improved durability and longevity of display devices.
  • Enhanced performance and functionality of touch-sensitive displays.

Commercial Applications:

  • This technology can be utilized by electronics manufacturers to enhance the quality and reliability of their display products, potentially increasing consumer satisfaction and market competitiveness.

Prior Art:

  • Prior research in flexible display technology and adhesive materials may be relevant to this patent application. Researchers can explore existing patents and publications in these areas for further insights.

Frequently Updated Research:

  • Researchers may find updated studies on flexible display technology, adhesive materials, and touch-sensitive displays relevant to this patent application. Stay informed on the latest advancements in these fields for potential improvements and innovations in display technology.

Questions about the Display Apparatus: 1. How does the plate portion contribute to the stability of the display apparatus?

  The plate portion provides structural support and stability by overlapping with the exposed region of the first adhesive layer, ensuring proper alignment and connection of components.

2. What are the potential commercial applications of this display technology?

  This technology can be used in various electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and automotive displays, offering improved durability and performance for consumers.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display apparatus includes a first substrate, a display layer disposed on the first substrate and including a plurality of pixels, a second substrate disposed on the display layer, a first adhesive layer disposed under the first substrate, a main flexible circuit board having an end portion fixed to the first substrate and a side fixed to the first adhesive layer, a plate portion disposed below the first adhesive layer and fixed to the first adhesive layer, a second adhesive layer disposed below the plate portion, and a touch flexible circuit board having an end portion fixed to the second substrate and a side fixed to the second adhesive layer, wherein the first adhesive layer includes an exposed region exposed from the main flexible circuit board, and the plate portion overlaps the exposed region.