Samsung display co., ltd. (20240265878). DISPLAY MODULE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


JaeMin Shin of Suwon-si (KR)

Sangwoo Kim of Seoul (KR)

Gyujeong Lee of Anyang-si (KR)

Hyejin Joo of Suwon-si (KR)

Jongho Hong of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY MODULE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240265878 titled 'DISPLAY MODULE

The abstract describes a display panel with a base, circuit layer, emission element layer, and encapsulation layer. The base is stretchable and includes an island portion and connecting portions. The circuit layer contains transistors and lines, with the control electrode material having smaller elongation than the lines. Some lines overlap on the connecting portions.

  • The display panel includes a stretchable base with an island portion and connecting portions.
  • The circuit layer features transistors and lines, with different elongation properties in the materials.
  • Overlapping lines on connecting portions optimize the functionality of the display panel.

Potential Applications: - Flexible electronic displays - Wearable technology - Smart clothing

Problems Solved: - Enhancing flexibility in display technology - Improving durability in wearable devices

Benefits: - Increased versatility in electronic displays - Enhanced user experience in wearable tech

Commercial Applications: Title: "Innovative Flexible Display Technology for Wearable Devices" This technology can revolutionize the wearable tech market by offering more durable and flexible display solutions for smart clothing and accessories.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the elongation difference in materials impact the performance of the display panel?

  - The elongation difference ensures better flexibility and durability in the display panel.

2. What are the potential challenges in integrating this technology into mass-produced wearable devices?

  - The challenges may include cost-effectiveness and scalability in manufacturing processes.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display panel may include a base, a circuit layer disposed on the base, an emission element layer disposed on the circuit layer, and an encapsulation layer disposed on the emission element layer. the base may include an island portion and a plurality of connecting portions and may be stretchable or extendable in a specific direction. the circuit layer may include a plurality of transistors and lines. an elongation of a material, which is included in a control electrode of each of the plurality of transistors, may be smaller than an elongation of a material included in the lines. the lines may be disposed on the connecting portions, and some of the lines may be overlapped with each other.