Samsung display co., ltd. (20240260333). DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


Kyongjun Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240260333 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a display device with a substrate, a display element, and an organic insulating layer. The substrate has a bent area connecting two other areas, the display element overlaps the substrate, and the insulating layer is positioned at the edge of the substrate.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Substrate with a bent area
  • Display element overlapping the substrate
  • Organic insulating layer at the edge of the substrate

Potential Applications: This technology could be used in various display devices such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the need for flexible and efficient display devices with improved insulation.


  • Enhanced flexibility
  • Improved insulation
  • Compact design

Commercial Applications: The technology could be applied in consumer electronics, automotive displays, and wearable technology.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior patents related to display devices, flexible substrates, and organic insulating layers.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about advancements in flexible display technology and organic materials research.

Questions about Display Devices: 1. How does the organic insulating layer improve the performance of the display device? 2. What are the potential challenges in manufacturing display devices with bent substrates?

Original Abstract Submitted

a display device may include a substrate, a display element, and an organic insulating layer. the substrate may include a first area, a second area, and a bent area. the bent area may be connected between the first area and the second area, may be bent according to a bending axis, and may be narrower than the first area in a direction parallel to the bending axis. the display element may overlap the substrate. the organic insulating layer may be spaced from the display element, may be arranged at an edge of the substrate, and may only partially overlap a first face of the substrate. a face of the organic insulating layer may be coplanar with a second face of the substrate.