Salesforce, inc. (20240256399). DATABASE RECOVERY USING A CLOUD-BASED STORAGE SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

salesforce, inc.


Steven Raspudic of Walnut Creek CA (US)

Goutham Meruva of Danville CA (US)

Heetae Kim of Seattle WA (US)

Hefeng Yuan of Sammamish WA (US)

Praveenkumar Bagavathiraj of San Jose CA (US)

DATABASE RECOVERY USING A CLOUD-BASED STORAGE SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240256399 titled 'DATABASE RECOVERY USING A CLOUD-BASED STORAGE SYSTEM

The abstract describes a system where an archival agent tracks database records in a cloud-based storage system to identify relevant records, replicates them to an archival storage, and provides a manifest file for recovery in case of primary storage failure.

  • Simplified Explanation: The system tracks and replicates database records for easy recovery in case of storage failure.
  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Archival agent tracks database records in cloud storage. - Replication service moves relevant records to archival storage. - Manifest file provides identifiers for recovery in case of primary storage failure.

  • Potential Applications:

- Data backup and recovery systems. - Disaster recovery solutions for databases. - Efficient management of database records in cloud storage.

  • Problems Solved:

- Ensures relevant database records are easily recoverable. - Reduces data loss in case of storage failure. - Streamlines database record management in cloud storage.

  • Benefits:

- Improved data security and reliability. - Faster recovery in case of storage failure. - Simplified database record management.

  • Commercial Applications:

- Cloud storage providers. - Database management companies. - Disaster recovery service providers.

  • Prior Art:

- Researchers can explore existing patents related to database record management and disaster recovery systems.

  • Frequently Updated Research:

- Stay updated on advancements in cloud storage technology and database management practices.

Questions about Database Record Management and Recovery:

1. How does the system ensure the integrity of replicated database records? The system uses manifest files with identifiers to accurately replicate and recover database records.

2. What are the potential challenges in implementing such a system in large-scale databases? Large-scale databases may face scalability and performance challenges when implementing a comprehensive record management and recovery system.

Original Abstract Submitted

in various embodiments, an archival agent of a database tracks database records stored in a primary storage of a cloud-based storage system to identify particular database records that are relevant to a current state of the database. a replication service of the cloud-based storage system replicates database records from the primary storage to an archival storage that includes database records of the database that are no longer relevant to the current state of database. the archival agent records identifiers of the particular relevant database records in a manifest file associated with the current state of the database and provides the manifest file to the replication service for storage in the archival storage. in response to a failure associated with the primary storage, the database can be recovered to its current state using the identifiers recorded in the stored manifest file to determine what database records to read.