Salesforce, inc. (20240256234). TECHNOLOGY AGNOSTIC CANVAS TO GENERATE INTERFACES simplified abstract

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Organization Name

salesforce, inc.


Pradeep Kumar Saraswathi of Hyderabad (IN)

Andrew Peterson of Burlington MA (US)

Sridhar Subramaniam of Buffalo Grove IL (US)

Shelby Hubick of Vancouver (CA)

Dylan Merrick of Vancouver (CA)

Ronak Shah of San Francisco CA (US)

TECHNOLOGY AGNOSTIC CANVAS TO GENERATE INTERFACES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240256234 titled 'TECHNOLOGY AGNOSTIC CANVAS TO GENERATE INTERFACES

Simplified Explanation

The method described in the patent application involves associating a compiler with a specific content type, selecting a compiler based on this association, and using the selected compiler to generate content for the content type on a platform.

  • The method defines blocks that can be included in the content type.
  • It receives a model for creating content and processes it using the selected compiler to create output for the blocks in the model.
  • The output is then rendered to display the content on a user interface.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Definition of blocks for specific content types.
  • Selection of compiler based on content type association.
  • Use of different compilers to generate content.
  • Rendering of content on a user interface.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various industries such as web development, software development, and content creation platforms.

Problems Solved

The technology streamlines the process of creating and rendering content for different content types, improving efficiency and flexibility in content generation.


  • Increased efficiency in content creation.
  • Flexibility in choosing compilers for different content types.
  • Enhanced user experience with rendered content on a user interface.

Commercial Applications

The technology can be utilized in web development tools, software development platforms, and content management systems to improve content creation and display capabilities.

Questions about the Technology

How does the method streamline the process of content creation?

The method simplifies content creation by associating compilers with specific content types, allowing for efficient generation and rendering of content.

What are the potential benefits of using different compilers for content generation?

Using different compilers provides flexibility in generating content tailored to specific content types, enhancing the overall user experience.

Original Abstract Submitted

in some embodiments, a method receives a definition that associates a compiler with a content type. the definition defines blocks that can be included in the content type. the method receives an input to create the content type on a platform. a compiler is selected from a plurality of compilers based on the compiler being associated with the content type in the definition. compilers use different technologies to generate content, and the platform allows the plurality of compilers to be used. the method receives a model for creating content for the content type and processes the model using the compiler to create output for blocks in the model. the output for the blocks is rendered to display the content on a user interface.